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"Oh, well, she always did speak out. She wants us to come down to Clouds next week—did she ask you? You'll be crazy about it. There's a moat and a ghost and a secret passage, and gardens enough even for you. I told her what a gardener you were, and she's crazy to show you the gardens. There's some famous old clipped yew, too—I don't know much about it, but it's in all the books. And they're sure to have interesting people. I think it would be fun. Don't you?"

"Of course we'll go if you want to, Curtis."

"But don't you want to? You'd enjoy it, Christabel."

"I suppose I could look at the clipped yew while the interesting people amused each other."


"I've never in my life been treated the way I was tonight, Curtis! I wouldn't treat a criminal the way I was treated!"

"Why, I——"

"I suppose it's fashionable not to introduce