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while Curtis was getting the doctor, a delightful man with spats and a monocle. She gave him one of Caroline's carnations for his buttonhole, and he agreed with her that she had better get out of London if she had felt ill and depressed ever since she arrived.

"Dear boy, you mustn't worry so!" she told Curtis, smoothing the lines from his forehead with gentle finger tips. "It's just that London doesn't suit me."

"Well, how about going down to Caroline's? The country, and quiet, and everything?"

"I asked him, but he was awfully down on the idea, the excitement of a big party and all. I'm so apologetic! But you go, darling! I'll be all right! I'll just go quietly somewhere. You go without me! Please!"

"Where does he think you ought to go? Where would you like to?"

"I don't care. Anywhere—anywhere, so long as it's with you! Somewhere where it will be just us alone, darling."

So they went to Paris.