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"I wish you were happier."

"Is it so very important? And I have been happy this afternoon, thanks to you! But I don't want to talk about me—you're such an understanding person you lead me astray. Tell me about yourself. Have you seen Elliott since—I——?"

"I went to see him the day after your wedding. I wonder if I ought to tell you about it? Of course I don't have to ask you never to breathe a word to a soul."

"Of course not, Gobby!"

"Well, I thought he'd be pretty low—you know—so I hurried down from the train; I thought maybe I could sort of cheer him up or something, well, not exactly cheer him up, but, anyway, I went down, and of course I went in without knocking, as usual—don't ever tell!"

"Gobby, don't you know me?"

"Well, he was standing there with a face like death, and holding a blue bottle. I didn't stop to speak, even; I just ran at him and dashed it out of his hand and it smashed to the