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or sat at speakers' tables, she wore soft fur and velvet and pearls, and sometimes overheard, among the people crowding around to meet her, a whispered:

"She's like a little queen!"

And she tried to be queenly, in the highest sense—Noblesse oblige—to her adorers as they were introduced.

"Oh, Miss Caine! This is a real privilege! I don't know whether you caught my name. I'm Mrs. Merkle, Grace Gladwin Merkle, you might possibly have heard it in connection with my talks on 'The Psychology of Success.' I wanted to tell you how interested I was in Fly in Amber, it had a theme so like a novel I wrote several years ago—well, no, it wasn't published, but several publishers considered it——"

"Oh, Mrs. Caine, your reading was simply marvelous!"

"This isn't Christabel Caine? But, my dear, you're only a child!"

"This is a great pleasure, Miss Caine! I'm