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"Dear Miss Caine:

"May a lonely shut-in thank you for having helped her pass weary wakey hours when other folks were fast asleep——"

Mrs. Christabel Caine:

Dear Madam:

"I am a Junior in High School. I have been given you as a subject for an essay, and would be obliged if you would tell me some facts about yourself that would be of interest, also what caused you to write each of your books and something about what you have wished to express in them, and anything else you can think of——"

"Dear Christabel Caine (For a Dear you are and ever will be, for writing your Beautiful Books)

"I'm not quite a stranger, for although you've never heard of me, I know you intimately, and I've chuckled with you and I've wept with you (Yes, truly!) and in all my life