Page:All for love- or, The world well lost. A tragedy as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal; and written in imitation of Shakespeare's stile. By John Dryden, servant to His Majesty (IA allforloveorworl00indryd).pdf/103

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The WORLD well Lost.

Cleop.Short Ceremony, Friends;
But yet it must be decent. First, this Laurel
Shall crown my Hero's Head: he fell not basely,
Nor left his Shield behind him. Only thou
Cou'dst triumph o'er thy self; and thou alone
Wert worthy so to triumph.

Char.To what end
These Ensigns of your Pomp and Royalty?

Cleop.Dull, that thou art! why, 'tis to meet my Love;
As when I saw him first, on Cydnos bank.
All sparkling, like a Goddess; so adorn'd,
I'll find him once again: my second Spousals
Shall match my first, in Glory. Haste, haste, both,
And dress the Bride of Antony.

Char.'Tis done.

Cleop.Now seat me by my Lord. I claim this place;
For I must conquer Cæsar too, like him,
And win my share o'th' World. Hail, you dear Relicks
Of my Immortal Love!
O let no Impious hand remove you hence;
But rest for ever here: let Egypt give
His Death that peace, which it deny'd his life.
Reach me the Casket.
Iras.Underneath the fruit the Aspick lies.

Cleop. putting aside the leaves.Welcom, thou kind Deceiver!
Thou best of Thieves; who, with an easie key,
Dost open life, and unperceiv'd by us,
Ev'n steal us from our selves: discharging so
Death's dreadful office, better than himself,
Touching our limbs so gently into slumber,
That Death stands by, deceiv'd by his own Image,
And thinks himself but Sleep.

Serap. within.The Queen, where is she?
The Town is yielded, Cæsar's at the Gates.

Cleop.He comes too late t' invade the Rights of Death.
Haste, bare my Arm, and rouze the Serpents fury. [Holds out
her Arm and draws it back.

Coward Flesh——
Woud'st thou conspire with Cæsar, to betray me,
As thou wert none of mine? I'll force thee to't,
