Page:Allan Dunn--Dead Man's Gold.djvu/144

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before long, without permanganate or something to disinfect it. Them arrers ain't pizened but they ain't extry clean. Boys, come mornin', if they don't rush us before, our goose is cooked. We'll kill all we kin and I'll tip you off not to let 'em git you alive, for they got a long score ag'in us an' they're an inventive bunch of cusses when it comes to torture. They won't git me. Are ye all loaded?" he went on, standing against the side wall in a shadowed niche and gazing out. "They're fixing for another rush. I kin see the fire on their weapons."

"Ow habout 'Ealy?" asked Larkin. "If they get us?"

"I'll 'tend to him," said Harvey, grimly. "He ain't got the nerve to do it for himself."

"By the way," asked Stone, bluntly. "Did you ever know Healy before this trip? Larkin rather fancied you did. It don't amount to much the way things are, but. … "

"I saw you an' 'im chewin' a long spiel together back of the hotel in Miami," said Larkin. "I was in my room wivout a light. He seemed a bit chummy."

"He asked me not to mention the fac' thet I knew him," said Harvey. "I don't know of any special reason. Since ye ask me p'int blank I'm tellin' ye. He asked me as a favour. I couldn't well refuse him seein' he'd grubstaked me one time down in Cochise County ten year ago. Git ready! See 'em massin' over thar' by the stream? Here they come."

They gripped their weapons as they saw, here and