Page:Allan Dunn--Dead Man's Gold.djvu/155

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pool for the devilment of it. Stripped naked, ain't they? Reg'lar Indian work. I'm goin' to see 'em buried soon's I'm able."

"I'm in with you on that," said Stone. "I've got an idea I may know who they are. May be able to guess at one of them, anyway."

Harvey looked curiously at him but said nothing. "We can't do it this trip, thet's sartain," he said. "We got to be movin'. Come on." He stood with his head bared to the hot sun, looking down on the remnants so strangely preserved. Larkin and Stone followed suit but Healy, after a short look, had leaned up against a boulder that was in the shadow. The long pull and haul had nearly exhausted him. His face was drawn and he complained of his arm bandages being too tight. The arm had swollen steadily and the edges of the wound were purplish and angry looking.

"You'd better hurry up and get me somewhere," he said to Stone as the latter, with Harvey, bathed the arm from their none-too-plentiful supply of water. "The pain of this thing is making me dizzy and I can feel it up in my armpit. Don't you wish you'd come through with the dope when I wanted you to, Stone? Then you could leave me by the wayside when the going gets bad and I'm a nuisance, or chuck me off the cliff like Larkin suggested. Drop me into that pool with the two images. Preserve me till Judgment Day like an egg in waterglass. Why don't you do it, you fellows? It's too late for you to come through with your end of it now. Wouldn't do me