Page:Allan Dunn--Dead Man's Gold.djvu/255

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"We did," said Larkin. "And there's a long story as to that. But I'll tell you one fing. You get yore 'orsepittle hendowment and it'll be called the Furniss Sanitarium."

"Well, we'll help sustain your rights until you register them," said Seward. "All reputable citizens in our posse. One mining man with us. He's in the other car. He can tell you whether you'll have to register at Globe or Flagstaff or Williams. It was he who suggested we could drive cars along the mesa and make better time than with horses. Are you ready to go back?"

"Just a minute. Doctor," said Stone. "I'll endow another ward, hospital, or what you like, if you'll take Larkin and myself over to the sheriff's car. They've let one man get away and I rather fancy it's Mr. Healy. Larkin and myself want a little conversation with him. We'll take a couple of those Mexican's horses, since these of ours haven't had any feed, and see if we can overhaul him."

"It isn't my car," said the doctor, but——" he turned to the man beside him, "How about it Mr. Simes?"

"Of course."

Larkin and Stone caught up their rifles and jumped into the empty tonneau. The girls waved to them as the owner mounted and threw in the clutch.

"He won't go far," said the sheriff. "White man, name of Healy, they tell me. One of us winged his horse just as he made the ravine. Low in the flank. We'll git him. Of course, if you two gents