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Lefty checked Healy who began to protest.

"It may be a plant," he said. But Stone had seen the beckon of a small hand and, opening the door, jumped in, while the driver, who seemed a friendly soul, held the two others a little way off.

Lola seized his hand.

"Thank you," she said. "Twice. Once for saving me in the alley and again for beating him. I wish you had killed him," she added, savagely.

"What are you going to do?" asked Stone with a sudden realization of what might happen to her in Padilla's revenge. He had spoiled Castro's musician. Castro would not be likely to take it in good part.

"I am going back," she said. "Padilla is all vanity, like a big bladder. Once pricked, there is nothing left. Castro will fire him. There are other musicians. And I can handle Castro."

"Do you like that sort of thing?" asked Stone. "Why go back?"

Her tone was amused.

"Do you happen to know where else I can earn a hundred dollars a week?"

"Why do you need a hundred dollars?"

"Because I have other mouths to feed besides my own. I hate the place, but I have to go back to it. You don't understand. And I know how to wheedle Castro."

"That fat beast!"

"Hush!" She set a smooth, cool palm across his lips. "Don't bother about me. I can take care of myself. I do not have to sell myself or even my