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heavy, and my arms are nearly pulled out of their sockets."

"But who is She?—and what will She give you?"

"Why, you know who She is!" said the little girl; "But I am not sure what She will give me this time."

"Do you take them to her?"

"Oh, no, I just carry them, and She says She will give me something."

"Have you carried any before?"

"Oh, yes, lots of times."

"And what did She give you then?"

"Why—why—" said the little girl, "—I don't remember that She gave me anything;—but everyone said that She would, and maybe She will sometime."

"And you don't know what it will be?"

"No,—but it will be something,—everybody says so."

"Did you ever see anything that She gave to anyone who carried them?"

"No-o," said the little girl, "—not exactly;—but you see that ever so many