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"I can't get them for you," said Marjorie, returning to the little girl. 'They are all afraid that their owner will punish them."

"Their owner!" cried the little girl; "Why, the idea!" and she got up and flounced off, holding the torn skirt in her hand.

Marjorie walked on, deeply puzzled; and as she passed one of the boys, he rose up and joined her. "Such a time as I'm in for!" he said, gloomily. "My left ear has been burning all the morning, and She will punish me for that; and last night I dreamed that one of my teeth dropped out, and She will punish me for that; and now I've forgotten and cut my nails on Friday. I surely am in for it good and plenty this time!"

"Does She punish you for things like that?" asked Marjorie.

"Why, of course," said the boy.

"Does She punish severely?"