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jorie. "The trail is beautiful just here, isn't it?" he said.

"It is the most beautiful place that I ever saw," said Marjorie.

The boy slowed his pace and walked beside her, and Majorie saw that his face was strong and kind, and his eyes full of laughter; but his lips were very firm;—and for a little way she forgot the bonds, and they walked on, talking of the beautiful country;—but presently, when they came to a steep place in the trail, Marjorie hesitated. The boy held out his hand;—"See," he said, "You can step there—and there—"

"But I can't," said Marjorie.

The boy looked surprised. "Why that isn't hard," he said.

"But," said Marjorie, "I am wearing a lot of bonds—I have no freedom of movement—I couldn't do that way at all,—and I couldn't reach my arm the way you said."

"That is too bad," said the boy; but he said it more kindly than the Dream;