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Marjorie shook her head sadly. "My bonds!" she said. "I couldn't carry them. I can't do anything. I can't work—I can't help anyone—I am utterly useless."

"Nonsense!" said the boy. "Come, I'll help you gather some."

But Marjorie shook her head. "No, it's no use," she said. "I can't—I feel all limp and lax because my muscles aren't getting any exercise. I'll have to wait until I get rid of these bonds."

"Then why—" the boy stopped and compressed his lips. "Let us look for the trail," he said, holding out his hand to her;—and slowly they started down from the ridge.

"It is dreadfully, dreadfully steep," said Marjorie, presently.

"It will be all right as soon as we find the trail," said the boy; "—and it must be around here somewhere."

"But the trail must be very steep, to get way down there," said Marjorie,