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"That is why I wait here," said the little girl.

"Oh-h-h! That is why you are waiting?—so as to help them?"


"Then you are working—not waiting, aren't you? But it must be so dreadfully sad to see, all the time, so many who are unhappy."

"Does it make you sad or glad when you can help someone? Will it make you sad or glad to give your fruit to people who are hungry?"

"Oh, glad, of course!"

"Then why should I be sad? I know that the mud, and the weariness, and the worry aren't even skin-deep."

"But there must be a good many coming along the trail,—can't they help each other, instead of your waiting on purpose?"

"They can," said the little girl.

"And don't they?"

"Many of them are very much inter-