Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 1.djvu/276

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Cadogan, Thomas, s. Alexander, of Llangattock, co. Monmouth, pleb. Jesus Coll., matric. 22 Oct., 1628, aged 20; B.A. 24 Oct., 1628.

Cadonne, Richard, fellow New Coll. 1562-70, as 'Camden' from Childrey, Berks, B.C.L. 10 Feb., 1569-70. See O.H.S., i.

Cadvor, John (or Cadware), chaplain; B.A. 21 July, 1541, M.A. 20 June, 1543.

Cady, Thomas, s. John, of Holborn, London, Middlesex, pleb. Oriel Coll., matric. 10 Feb., 1625-6, aged 18; B.A. 1 April, 1628, as John.

Cæsar, Augustin, of Kent, pleb. Gloucester Hall, matric. 30 Oct., 1618, aged 16; B.A. 30 Jan., 1621-2, D.Med. 10 Aug., 1660 (son of Martin), of Rochester, buried in Rochester Cathedral 1677, aged 75. [5],

Cæsar, Augustus, of Southants, equitis fil. St. Edmund Hall, matric. 23 Oct., 1612, aged 14; a student of the Inner Temple 1610 (as 2nd son of Sir Thomas, a baron of the Exchequer), died unmarried. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Cæsar, Charles, of London, gent. Magdalen Hall, matric.-entry under date 20 Dec., 1577, aged 16; 'an eminent soldier,' brother of Julius 1575.

Cæsar, (Sir) Charles, (3s. Julius) 'Doctoris et Judicis de Admiralt.' Magdalen Coll., matric. 23 April, 1602, aged 12, B.A. 24 April, 1605; M.A. from All Souls' Coll. 20 Jan., 1607-8, B.C.L. 4 Nov., 1608 (incorp. at Cambridge 1609), D.C.L. 10 Dec., 1612, a student of the Inner Temple 1611, a master in Chancery 1615-39, knighted at Theobald's 9 Oct., 1613, M.P. Weymouth and Melcombe Regis 1614, judge of the Court of Audience, and master of the faculties, master of the Rolls 1639, born 27 Jan., 1589, died 6 Dec., 1642. See Foss; D.N.B.; & Fasti, i. 348.

Cæsar, (Sir) Charles, M.A. from Catherine Hall., Cambridge, per Literas Regias 1669, incorp. 11 June, 1671; of Bennington Place, Herts (son and heir of Sir Henry, of Bennington), born 22 Feb., 1652-3, knighted at Oxford 4 Oct., 1671, M.P. Hertford 1678-9, Herts 1679-81, 1689-90, died 13 Aug., 1694. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. & Parliamentary Dictionary.

Cæsar, Henry, B.D. from Balliol Coll. 13 July, 1593, D.D. from St. Edmund Hall 6 Nov., 1595 (3rd son of Cæsar Dalmarius or Adelmare), vicar of St. Christopher-le-Stocks 1596, rector of Somersham, Hants, 1597, canon of Westminster 1609, rector of Bennington, Herts, 1616, dean of Ely 1614, until his death 27 June, 1636, aged 72. See Fasti, i. 270; D.N.B.; & Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. [10],

Cæsar, (Sir) John, subscribed 26 Feb., 1612-13, of Hyde Hall, Herts (son of Sir Julius), knighted in Scotland 20 June, 1617, a student of the Inner Temple 1613, born 20 Oct., 1597, died 23 May, 1647, brother of Charles 1602.

Cæsar, John James, (Borussiæ Regi a Sacris Domesticus); created D.D. 14 Jan. 1715-16, chaplain to the Prussian Legation or Minister. See Rawlinson, iii. 309.

Cæsar, (Sir) Julius, of Middlesex, gent. Magdalen Hall, matric.-entry under date 10 Jan., 1574-5, aged 16; B.A. 17 May, 1575, M.A. 18 Feb., 1577-8, D.C.L. 5 March, 1583-4 (LL.B. & LL.D. Paris 22 April, 1581), (J.C. alias Dalmarius or Adelmare, son of Cæsar Dalmarius or Adelmare, 'nobilis,' of Treviso in Italy), bencher of the Inner Temple 1590, treasurer 1593-4, judge of the Admiralty Court 1584, master in Chancery 1588, master extraordinary of Court of Requests 1591, knighted 20 May, 1603, chancellor and under-treasurer of the Exchequer 1606, P.C. 1607, master of the Rolls 1614-39, M.P. Reigate 1588-9, Blechingley 1593, New Windsor 1597-8 and 1601, Westminster circa 1607-11, Middlesex 1614, Maldon 1621-2, died 18 April, 1636, aged 79, buried at Great St. Helen's, Bishopsgate. See O.H.S., x. 378; Fasti, i. 224; D.N.B.; & Foster's Parliamentary Dictionary.

Cæsar, Julius, 'Doctoris et Judicis de Admiralt.,' fil. Magdalen Coll., matric. 23 April, 1602, aged 14; of the Inner Temple 1603, as son of Julius last named, born 14 Feb., 1587, died in Italy 8 Jan., 1607. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Cæsar, Robert, s. Sir Julius, privy councillor of James I. Queen's Coll., matric. 26 Jan., 1615-16, aged 13; B.A. 15 Oct., 1618, bar.-at law, Inner Temple, 1622, clerk of the petty bag 1628-36, one of the six clerks in Chancery 1636-7, M.P. Bodmin 1625, and Ilchester March to June 1626, born 9 Oct., 1602, died 27 Oct., 1637, brother of Charles 1602, and Thomas 1616. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Cæsar, Thomas, of London, 'eq. fil.' St. Edmund Hall, matric. 23 Oct., 1612, aged 15; of the Inner Temple 1610 (as son and heir of Sir Thomas, late a baron of the Exchequer, deceased), living in 1619, brother of Augustus same date. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. [16],

Cæsar, Thomas, s. Sir Julius, privy councillor of James I. Queen's Coll., matric. 26 Jan., 1615-16, aged 15; B.A. 15 Oct., 1618, (incorp. at Cambridge 1619), M.A. from All Souls' Coll. 1 June, 1621, of the Inner Temple 1616 (as son of Sir Julius), rector of Llanrhuddlad in Anglesey 1627, died unmarried 1633, brother of Robert 1616, and of Charles 1602. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. & Index Ecclesiasticus.

Cæserson, John (Ceserson), of London, pleb. Trinity Coll., matric.-entry under date 20 Sept., 1574, aged 16; 'Dial. Mro. Hindmer tutori.',

Cage, John, of London, arm. Hart Hall, matric. 22 Jan., 1618-19, aged 16; a student of Lincoln's Inn 1621, as 2nd son of Nicholas, gent., of London, deceased, brother of Tobias 1618. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Cage, Lewis, s. William, of 'Bearsted,' Kent, arm. Pembroke Coll., matric. 10 Nov., 1713, aged 16; B.A. 21 Feb., 1717-18, brother of William 1712.

Cage, Thomas, arm. Oriel Coll., matric. 29 Oct., 1657, perhaps half brother of William 1650. [21],

Cage, (Sir) Tobias, of London. Hart Hall, matric. 15 May, 1618, aged 16 (as arm.); B.A. 16 Nov., 1620, of Gales, parish of Woodford, Essex, 1634, a student of Gray's Inn 1621 (as son and heir of Nicholas, of London, arm.), knighted at Whitehall 21 April, 1627, buried at Burnham, Bucks, 24 Oct., 1661. See Foster's Gray's Inn Reg.

Cage, (Sir) William, Queen's Coll., matric. 18 Nov., 1650 (as arm.), a student of Lincoln's Inn 1651 (as son and heir of William, of Milgate, Kent, esq.), called a knight in Berry's Kent, 273. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Cage, William, s. William, of 'Barcsted,' Kent, arm. Pembroke Coll., matric. 28 May, 1712, aged 16; a student of Lincoln's Inn 1713, brother of Lewis 1713. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Caius , See Kay & Key. [25],

Cake, William, of Devon, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 13 Dec., 1615, aged 18; B.A. from Gloucester Hall 18 June, 1619, M.A. 1 June, 1622.

Calamy, Edmund, adm. scholar of Pembroke Hall., Cambridge, 4 July, 1616; B.A. 1619, 'tanquam socius' 1626, B.D. 1632, incorp. July, 1639, (son of George, of St. Thomas Apostle), baptized there 24 Feb., 1599-1600, entered at Merchant Taylors' school in 1613, an eminent nonconformist and a member of the Westminster assembly of divines, vicar of Swaffham Priory St. Mary, Cambridge, 1626, lecturer of Bury St. Edmund, Suffolk, rector of Rochford, Essex, 1637-9, of St. Mary Aldermanbury, 1639, ejected for nonconformity 1662, and committed to Newgate, chaplain to the King 1660, died at Enfield 29 Oct., 1666, buried 7 Nov. in the ground of his late parish. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus; Robinson, i. 77; Calamy, i. 76; D.N.B.; & Fasti, i. 511.

Calcot, Antony, B.A. from Brasenose Coll. 15 Feb., 1576-7, M.A. 26 June, 1581, rector of Astbury, Cheshire, 1588. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

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