Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 1.djvu/34

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Thomas Abnett
Robert Acland.

Abnetty Thomas, s. William, of Poole, aieshire, goat. Pembroke Coxx., matric. 5 June, 1668, aged 15.

.bnet« Thomas, s. William, of Stafford (town), gent. Oriel. Coll., matric. 26 June. 1703, aged 16; bar.-at-Iaw, Inner Temple, 1710. See Foster's Judges and Barristers,

Ibnet, William, s. Thomas, of Audley, co. Stafford, gent. Magdalen Hall, matric. la May, 1637, aged 18.

Lbnett, William, s. G. (' GuL '), of Andley. co. Sfcif. ford, gent Trinity Coll., matric. 13 Nov., 1704, aged 18.

^bney, John, «. J., of Leicester (town), pleb. Lin- cols Coll., matric. 14 Nov., 1710, aged 18 ; RA. 1714, vicar of Thornton, co. Leic, 1717, and vicar of Syston, co. Leic, 1718. Sec Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus, [S]

Lbney, (Sir) Thomas, y.s. Edw., of Willesley, co. Derby, equitis. Wadham Coll., matric. 2 Dec., 1707, aged 16 ; of Willesley, co. Derby, bar.-at-law. Inner Temple. 1713, K.C., knighted 23 Dea, 1735, Serjeant 1740, attorney-general of the Duchy of Lan- caster 1733. judge of the Palace Court 1735, baron of the Elxchequer Z740, justice of Common Pleas 1743. baptized 30 April, 1691, died 19 May, 1750^ See Foster's Judges and Barristers,

^brabally George, s. Richard, of Ingeston, co. Here- ford, gent Balliol Coll., matric. z8 Nov., 1635, aged 19 : B.A. 25 June, 1639. M.A. 6 July. 1642, vicar of Foye, ca Hereford, buried 21 Feb., 1673-4, father of the next named.

Ibrahall, George, s. G., of Foye, co. Hereford, gent Oriel Coll.. matric. 23 March, 1676-7. aged 19 (subs, as of Christ Church) ; baptized 7 April, 1658.

Ibrahall, John, s. John, of Stoke Edith, co. Hereford, pleb. Oriel Coll., matric. 8 May, 1635. aged 17 ; B.A. 26 May, 1638. one of these names vicar of Longdon. co. Worcester, 1643. See Foster's Index EccUsiasHcus,

Ibrahall, John, s. George, of Foye, co. Hereford, minister. Balliol COLL. , matria 13 March, 1672-3, aged x6 ; brother of George 1677. [lO]

^brabaxn, Adam. s. Job., of Pnckington, Somerset, gent. WADHAM Coll., matric. 14 Feb., 1693-4, aged 26; B.A. 1697, M.A. 1700, died 12 Sept., Z709, Mon. Ins. at Winsham. See Gardiner^ 382.

ibrabazn, Edward, of Devon, cler. fiL Wadham Coll., matric. ai Feb.. 1616-7, aged 18: B.A. 6 Feb. , i6ao-z, M.A. aa June, 1624, fdlow 1632. sub- dean 1629. librarian 1632, buried in the College Chapel 6 Dec., 1642. See Gardiner t 35.

^.brabam, John, of ca Lancaster, pleb. Br asenose Coll.. matric. 29 Oct, 1585. aged 21 ; B.A. 5 June, 1589, M.A. 9 June, 1592, then in orders, one of these names vicar of Colyton Rawleigh, Devon, 1596. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus,

Ibraham, John, of Devon, der. fil. Wadham Coll., matric. 15 Nov.. 1616, aged 20, B.A. 18 May, 2620 ; M. A. from St. Albak Hall, z July, Z623, rector of Stoodleigh, Devon, Z640. See Foster s Index Ecclesiasticus,

Vbrabaxn, Wilham, of Backs, gent Hart Hall. raatric-entry under date Z579. aged z6. [15]

ibrahaniy MTiIliam, gent Brasenose Coll. , matric 29 Oct., Z657. (Memo. : W. A., son of William, of wingrave. Bucks, arm., admitted to Lincohi's Inn, X659. ) See Foster's Inns of Court Reg,

Absolon, William, at Corpus Christi Coll., Z554, from Kent, fellow Z556, B.A. 23 Feb., ZSS6.7, M.A. 14 Feb.. Z564-5, preb. of Rochester Z576, rector of St. Olafe, Southwark, Z577, and of Cranfield. Beds, 1579, and of Dengie, Essex, Z58Z, until his death in z^. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus^

Abson, John, 8. Lionell, of Rotherham, Yorks, pleb. Lincoln Coll., matric. ij May, Z708, aged Z9 ; B.A. Z2 March, Z7ZZ-Z2, M.A. Z71S. rector of Not- tingham, St Nicholas, Z7r4, preb. of Southwell Z720-49, vicar of Rolleston. Notts. Z729. dead before 29 Tune. Z74p. See Le Neife, iii. 422 ; & Fostei^s Index Ecclesiasticus,

^ Aohelley, Thomas, of Salop, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 28 June, z6z6. aged Z9, B.A. Z9 May, z6z7; M.A. from Broadgates Hall, z Feb., Z619-20, rector of Cold Weston, Salop, Z632.

Aoland, Arthur, s. John, of Exeter, Devon, gent - Exeter Colu, matric. za Dec., Z634. aged Z5, B,A. 30 Oct, Z638 ; fellow Oriel Coll. z639. created M.A. a Dec, Z642. licenced to study civil law 1650 (and medicine Z653). licenced to practise medicine 9 March, 1657-8, brother of Baldwm z6a9. See Burrows^ 66, 94. [20]

Acland, Arthur (subs. ' bart. '), s. John, of Killerton, Devon, baronet. Exeter Coll., matric. 27 July, Z669, aged Z4: 4th baronet, died in z67a. See Foster's Baronetage,

Aolande, Baldwlne, of Devon, gent Exetrr Coll., matric. 26 May, Z609, aged z6.

Acland, Baldwin, s. John, of Exeter. Devon, gent. Exeter Coll., matria 3 July, Z629, aged 20; fellow Z626-52. B.A. 9 July, z6a9, M.A. 28 April, Z632, proctor Z64Z, B.D. 22 Nov., 1642, nominated D.D. (then of University Coll.) z June, Z646, but refused to be created, rector of North Cadbury, , Somerset, Z643, and of Tedbnm St Mary, Devon, Z65Z-72, ' declined to take the engagement Z650,' ' tutor to Lord Cliffoid and George Bull, bishop of < Exeter, preb. of Lincoln z66o, preb. and treasurer ■ of Exeter Z667, died at Tedbum St Mary, Devon, ( 27 Aug., Z672. See Boose, 63; Burrows, ijp &' Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus, I

Aoland, Henry (Ackland). s. Arth., of BOsdon (? BUta- .' don), Devon, gent Exeter Coll. , matric. 27 Feb. , ; i^3-4> aged Z5; his father M.P, Barnstaple Z679, • unseated In Dea, z68a 1

Aoland, Hugh, *eq. fil.' ExETER Coll., matric. 27 Nov., Z652; B.A. 22 June, Z655, probably 5th baronet M.P. Barnstaple 1679, and Tiverton Z685-7, who was buried 9 March, Z7Z3-Z4, at Broaddyst. and father of John z69a. [as]

Aoland, Hu^rh, s. Joh., of Broadclyst, Devon, arm. Exeter Coll., matric. 9 June, Z7Z3, aged Z7 ; 6th baronet, M.P. Barnstaple Z7az-7, di«l 29 July, Z7a8. See Foster's Baronetage, ,

Aoland, James, s. Joh., of Aishburton, Devon, der. Exeter Coll., matric. za Dec.. Z706. aged ao; one of these names rector ot Willand, Devon, Z725. See Foster's Index Eulesiasticus,

Acland, John. s. James, of Exeter, Devon, pleb. p.p. Exeter Coll., matric za July, z66z, aged z8 ; B.A. Z665.

Aoland, John (Ackland), s. J., of Branton, Devon, pleb. New Inn Hall, matric. z8 March, Z668-9, aged z6; B.A. Z672, M.A. Z675, inoorp. at Cam- bridge z68o. rector of Bittadon, Devon, z68z, preb. of ^ors Bodmin in church of Endelion, Cornwall, Z682, rector of Littleham, Devon, Z682. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus.

Aoland, John, s. H., of Broadclyst, Devon, baronet Exeter Coll., matric. za May, Z692, aged zt ; of Wooleigh, Devon, M.P. Callington Z702, until his death in his father's lifetime, buried at Broaddyst, 90 May, Z703. [so]

Acland, Richard (Ackland), s. Ric., of BamsUple, Devon, gent Exeter Coll., matric. 90 May, 1697, agMl Z7 ; one of these names M.P. Barnstaple Z708-Z3 (? of Fremington, Devon).

Aoland, Robert, 'eq. fiL' Exeter Coll., matric. 27 Nov., Z652 ; died s.p., buried at Broaddyst, 24 March, z655-6, brother of Hugh


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