Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 3.djvu/37

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Cromwell Lea.

Leohe, HeoT7» s. John, of Stretton, Cheshire, pletx BRASEN06B CoLL., matric. ax June, 1699, aged 16; B.A. 1703, M.A. 1707, fellow 1707; brother of Thomas 1696. See Hearme, it 18.

Leohe, James, of Christ Church 1550, B.A. z Dec, 1J53 ; fellow of Mbrton Coll. 1557-67, M. A. 3 Nov. , 1559. rector and vicar of Dodington, Cheshire, 1567: diMl 1589, a bene£Eictor of Merton. See GtUck, i 5 ; & OM.S, iv. 263.

Leohe, John, B.A. z6 May, 1528, M.A. 30 Jan., 1531-a.

Leohe, John (Leeche), of Cheshire, gent Brasenose Coll., matric ^ Nov., 1582, aged 17; fellow 1583-4, B.A. 13 June, 1586. M.A. 4 Nov., 1589. See Ath. iL 35a.

Loohe, John, s. John, of Carden (or Carwarden). Cheshire, arm. Brasenose Coll.. matric. 24 April, 1635, aged z8 ; B.A. 19 June, 1635, perhaps created M.A. i Nov., 1642 ; of Carden. a student of Gray's Inn 1634. See Foster's Inns of Court

Leohe, Richard, of Cheshire, arm. fiL nat max. Exeter Coll.. matric ao Jtdy. 1621. aged 15; RA. 2 Dec. 1624. student of Gray's Inn 1626. as son and heir of William, of Crewe, Cheshire, gent See Foster's Graj^s Inn Rtg,

Leche, Robert (Ljch or Liche). of Christ Church 1550, B.A. ; Nl.A. 30 May, 1555, proctor 1560 and 1566. B.C.I* 5 Feb., 1560-1, D.C.L. 14 July, 1567. chancellor of the diocese of Chester 156a (s. George, alderman of Chester) ; died 3 Nov. , 1587 ; buried in Malpas church ; perhaps brother of William and James, and father of Edward 1588. See Ormerod's Cheshire, L 87 ; & Fasti, L i8a

Leche, Thomas, of Cheshire, gent Brasenose COLU, matric 3 April, 1590, aged 15; B.A. 4 Feb., 1596-7, M.A. 5 July, 16x1.

Leche, Thomas, s. John, of Chester city. pleb. Jesus CoLL», matric 28 May, 1696, aged 16 ; B.A. 1700, M.A. 1703, bom at Stretton, and baptised 6 Oct, 1679 (his &ther of Carden. Cheshu%). domestic chaplain to Earl Cholmondeley. rector of Tilston, Cbohire, 17ZO. until his deaUi 14 Aug., 1719 ; brother of Henry 1699. See RawL v. 62, and xviiL 10 ; & Foster's index EccL

Leche, William. B.A. 17 Dec, 1556. M.A. 26 July, 1560, fellow Brasenose Coll. in and before 1565, from Cheshire; perhaps brother of Robert and James. [lO]

Leche, Wniiam, scholar Corpus Christi Coll. 1569, RA. Z4jan., 1573-4.

Leche, William, of Cheshire, arm. St. Edmund Hall, matric 26 Nov., 1591, aged 25.

Lechford, John, gent University Coll., matric 20 July, 1654.

Lechmere, Edmtmd. of co. Hereford, gent Brase- nose Coll.. matric entry dated 19 April, 1599. aged la; B.A. from Hart Hall 21 Feb.. 1602-3 (s. Thomas) ; died 16150 ; father of Nicholas 1631 ; probably brother of Richard and Roger.

Lecnmere, Edmund, s. Nic, of Hanley, ca Wor- cester, gent Trinity Coll.. matric iz May. Z665, a^d 16 ; bar.-at-law. Middle Temple. Z671 ; died in ztc^ ; brother of Sandys. See Foster's Judges and Barristers. [18]

Lechmere, (Sir) Nicholas, s. Edmund, of Hanley. ca Worcester, gent Wadham Coll., matric 28 Jan., z^qp-z. aged Z7 ; scholar i6^z, B.A. Z4 Feb., z633^, bar.-at-law. Middle Temple, Z64Z, bencher Z65C seijeant-at-law Z689, and a baron of the exchequer Z689-1700, knighted vi Oct, Z689, attorney-general to the duchy of Lancaster, M.P. Bewdky (July). Z648 (l. p.) till 1653, co. Worcester z654r5. z656>o, and Z659, pardoned by the king z66o; died 90 April, 1701, aged 87; father of Edmund Z665 and of Sandys. See Foss* Jw^es ; Gardiner, Z05 ; k Foster's Judges and Barristers,

Lechmore, Richard, of ca Hereford, gent Brasid- NOSE Coll., matric 23 Feb., Z587-8, aged Z5; B.A. a Dec, Z59Z, M.A. 19 July, Z595.

Lechmere, Roger, of ca Hereford, gent Brasid- NOSE Coll., matric zo April. Z599. aged Z4 ; B.A. from Hart Hall az Feb., Z602-3, student of Inner Temple 1607. as of Fownhope, ca Hereford, gent See Foster's Inns 0/ Court Reg.

Lechmere, Sandys, s. Nicholas, of Hanley Castle, CO. Worcester, arm. Christ Church, matric 7 May, Z669, aged z6 ; of Fownhope, Inr.-at-law, Middle Temple, Z674, licenced 29 Oct, Z679, to marry Joane Holmes, of Fownhope, co. Hereford, widow, and died 1694 ; brother of Edmund Z665. See Foster's Judges and Barristers, etc ,

Ledhrooke. See also Ladbrooke. [ao]

Ledhrooke, Joseph, s. Job., of Knightcote, co. War- wick, gent Baluol Coll., matric 6 April, Z709, aged 17 ; B.A. 17x2, M.A. Z7Z7. canon of Scuum Z7X7. rector of Aston Flamville. co. Leicester. Z7Z8, vicar of Scraptoft. co. Leicester. Z733. ^^^^ ^ death 30 June. Z756. See Foster's Index EccL

Le^^rd, John, s. Tho., of Bradford, Yorks, gent University Coll., matric 22 March, 1666-7. aged Z5 ; B.A. Z670, fellow, M.A. 1673, rector of Ardley, Oxon. July. 1682— Dec, Z683: will (at Oxford) dated 30 Oct , Z676, inventory z8 Jan. , Z684. See Foster's Index Reel,

LedAringham, John, of Magdalen Hall z58a See Leginghabi.

Led^nghaxn. Richard, s. Jo., of Exeter dty, pleb. WADHAM Coll., matric 4 June, 1674, aged z6 ; B.A. ao Jan., Z677-8, M.A. z68o. rector of Butter- leigh, Devon, z68z. See Foster's Index EccL

Ledsham, Henry (Ludsame). fellow of Merton COLU ZS69-70, B.A. 26 Tan., iS^^^P* ^^ 7 ^^^» z^73, B.D. sup. zz April, Z583, D.D. Z5 July, Z584, vicar of Halifax z577-9a, rector of Witham, Berks, z S76, of WalUngton, Herts, Z576, vicar of Halifax, Yorks, Z585. See Foster's Index EccL & OM,S, iv. 27a [as]

Ledsam, Thomas, of Cheshire, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric 29 Nov.. 1582. aged z8; RA. Z3 July. Z588. vicar of Buhner. Essex, Z598. and of Dedbam. Essex. Z605. etc ; perhaps father of William Z6X9. See Foster's Index EccL

Ledsam, Thomas, of Wilts, pleb. Magdalen Hall, matric zz Nov., Z586, aged z6.

Ledsam, Thomas, of Flints, pleb. Broadgates Hall, matric 25 Jan., Z593-4, ^Scd Z4.

Ledsam, William, of Essex, cler. fiL TRiNmr Coll., matric 22 Oct, z6x9, aged Z7 ; B.A. z8 Feb., Z622-3.

Lee. See also Leigh and Ley. [30],

Lee, Alexander, of Devon, cler. fil. Broadgates Hall, matric. 15 March, 1610-11, aged 17; one of theses names vicar of Puriton, Somerset, 1625. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Lee, Benjamin, s. John, of Stratford Bow, Middlesex, pleb. Trinity Coll., matric. 16 July, 1692, aged 19.

Lee, Christopher, clerk Magdalen Coll. 1595-1602, B.A. 17 May, 1595, sup. M.A. 5 June, 1600, rector of Heythrop, Oxon, 1604. See Bloxam, ii. 46; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Lee, Christopher, s. Simon, of Crediton, Devon, pleb. New Inn Hall, matric. 16 Nov., 1632, aged 16; B.A. 3 May, 1636.

Lee, Christopher, pleb. New Inn Hall, matric. 20 March, 1650-1, B.A. 12 Oct., 1654, M.A. 28 May, 1657. [35],

[Lea, Cromwell, s. Anthony, of Burston, Bucks, kt.; of St. John's Coll., compiler of "a dictionary in Italian and English"; died at Oxford 1601. See Ath. i. 715.]

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