Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 3.djvu/399

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Raleigh, George (Rauleigh), B.A. from All Souls' Coll. 27 Oct., 1598; M.A. from St. Alban Hall 1 July, 1601, sup. for licence to practice medicine 16 March, 1604-5, B. and D.Med. from New Inn Hall 25 June, 1618. See O.H.S. xii. 210.

Raleigh, George (Rawleigh), of Devon, gent. Exeter Coll., matric. 17 Dec., 1619, aged 19; student of Inner Temple 1623, as son and heir of George, of Withycombe, Devon, esq. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg.

Raleigh, George, s. "Hieronimi," of Farnborough, co. Warwick, gent. New Inn Hall, matric. 22 March, 1638-9, aged 16; B.A. 10 Nov., 1642.

Raleigh, Gilbert, s. Gilbert, of Downton, Wilts, gent. Magdalen Coll., matric. 9 Feb., 1638-9, aged 15; of Downton, M.P. 1661, until his death in 1675; brother of Walter 1639, and father of Charles 1669. See Foster's Parliamentary Dictionary.

Raleigh, Joseph (Rawleigh), s. John, of Buckland Filleigh, Devon, pleb. Gloucester Hall, matric. 6 May, 1642, aged 18. [5],

Raleigh, (Sir) Walter, of Oriel Coll. about 1568 (W. Rawley, 1572, in O.H.S.), a student of the Middle Temple 1574 (as son of Walter, of Budleigh, Devon), served in France, the Low Countries, and Ireland, discovered a new country which he called Virginia 1584, knighted 1 Jan., 1584-5, captain of Q. Elizabeth's guard, lord warden of the stannaries of Devon and Cornwall, governor of Jersey, took an active part against "the invincible Armada" 1588, M.P. Devon 1584-5, 1586-7, of St. Michael 1593, Dorset 1597-8, Cornwall 1601; in 1603 he was concerned in a plot against James I., condemned to death but reprieved, with imprisonment in the Tower for life; in 1618 he set out with an expedition to Guiana, and for sacking St. Thomas was on his return beheaded on the former judgment in Old Palace Yard, Westminster, 29 Oct., 1618; buried in the chancel of St. Margaret's, Westminster; father of Carew, and of Walter 1607. See Ath. ii. 235; Foster's Parl. Dict.; & Lansdowne MS. 983, f. 331.

Raleigh, Walter (Rauleigh), of Wilts, equitis fil. Magdalen Coll., matric. 5 Nov., 1602, aged 16; B.A. 11 June, 1605, M.A. 2 June, 1608, created D.D. 31 Aug., 1636, dean of Wells 1642 (2s. Sir Carew, of Downton, Wilts, knight), chaplain to William, Earl of Pembroke, rector of Chedzoy, Somerset, 1621, and of Wilton St. Mary, Wilts, 1621, and of Elingdon als. Wroughton, Wilts, 1632, minor canon of Wells 1636, and rector of Streat, Somerset, 1635, chaplain in ordinary to Charles I., dean and rector of St. Burian, Cornwall, 1637, dean of Wells 1641, persecuted and plundered, taken prisoner at Bridgwater 21 July, 1645; died 10 Oct., 1646, buried in Wells cathedral. See Ath. iii. 197; Fasti, i. 304; Lansdowne MS. 985, f. 94; Foster's Index Eccl.; & Add. MSS. 15,669-70.

Ralegh, Walter, of Dorset, militis fil. Corpus Christi Coll., matric. entry 30 Oct., 1607, aged 14; B.A. 21 June, 1610; (s. Sir Walter), killed at the sacking of St. Thomas 1618; brother of Carew. See Ath. iii. 169.

Raleigh, Walter, s. Gilbert, of Downton, Wilts, arm. Magdalen Hall, matric. 12 July, 1639, aged 16; brother of Gilbert 1639.

Ralegh, William, of Bucks, gent. St. Mary Hall, matric. 27 Nov., 1581, aged 18, B.A. 30 April, 1583; B.C.L, from All Souls' Coll. 15 Dec., 1592; brother of George 1582. [10],

Raleigh, William (Raylye), incorporated as B.A. of Cambridge 11 July, 1606; fellow Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge, M.A. 1608, B.D. 1615, D.D. 1620, rector of Bowthorpe, Norfolk, 1612, and of Landbeach, co. Cambridge, 1617, domestic chaplain to Francis Bacon, viscount St. Albans, chaplain to Charles I., editor of Bacon's works; died 18 June, 1667, aged 79. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Rallinson, Francis, B.A. from Clare Hall, Cambridge, 1583-4, M.A. 1587, fellow St. John's Coll. 1604; incorporated 30 Aug., 1605; one Francis Rawlinson, rector of South Kelsey St. Nicholas, co. Lincoln, 1603-30, of Breadsall, co. Derby, 1604-5, and rector of Toddington, Beds, 1613, until his death; buried there 18 Aug., 1630, as Rollinson. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Rallingson, Richard (or Rawlinson), s. Richard, of Milnethorp, Westmorland, pleb. Queen's Coll., matric. 3 June, 1636, aged 18; B.A. 25 Feb., 1640-1, created M.A. 17 Oct., 1643, B.D. 23 July, 1657, created D.D. 9 Sept., 1661, drew a plan of the garrison and fortifications at Oxford for the king, chaplain to the Duke of Newcastle; licenced 1 Dec., 1666, to marry Bridget Croke, of Chequers, Bucks; died rector of Pullborough, Sussex, in 1668. See London Marriage Licences, ed. Foster; & Fasti, ii. 60 and 257.

Ralph, John, s. Ralph, of Gornwall, Cornwall, p.p. Exeter Coll., matric. 17 July, 1663, aged 18; B.A. 1667, vicar of Sithney 1668, and of St. Erth, Cornwall, 1672. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Rampaine, Livewell, of co. Stafford. Trinity Coll., matric. 10 May, 1616, aged 17, "pauper scholaris;" B.A. 17 Feb., 1619-20, M.A. 7 July, 1623, incorporated at Cambridge 1627, rector of Broxholme 1625, and vicar of Great Grimsby, co. Lincoln, 1637. See Foster's Index Eccl. [15],

Ramridge, John (or Ramrich), B.A. from Merton Coll. 5 April, 1527, fellow 1528, M.A. 15 July, 1530, B.D. sup. Jan., 1537-8, D.D. 16 July, 1542, rector of Garsington, Oxon, 1548, rector of St. Michael's, Coventry, canon of Lichfield 1546, and of Westminster 1553, dean of Lichfield 1554-8, and rector of Husbands Bosworth, co. Leicester, 1554, archdeacon of Derby 1558, deprived same year, murdered in Flanders. See O.H.S. iv. 255; Fasti, i. 76; Lansdowne MS. 980, ff. 276, 289b; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Ramsdenne, Henry, subscribed 30 April, 1613; B.A. from Magdalen Hall 17 Dec., 1614, M.A. 21 Jan., 1617-18; fellow of Lincoln Coll. 1621-6, created D.D. 16 Jan., 1642-3, a preacher in London, vicar of Halifax, Yorks, 1629, until his death in March, 1638; brother of Hugh 1607. See Ath. ii. 623; Foster's Index Eccl.; & Lansdowne MS. 984, f. 257.

Ramsden, Henry, s. Hugh, of Halifax, Yorks, sacerd. Lincoln Coll., matric. entry 3 Nov., 1637, aged 13; B.A. 15 June, 1642.

Ramsden, Hugh, of Yorks, pleb. Magdalen Hall, matric. entry 13 Nov., 1607, aged 14; B.A. 31 Jan., 1610-11; fellow of Merton Coll. 1611, M.A. 27 June, 1615, B.D. 10 July, 1623, rector of Methley 1618, and vicar of Halifax, Yorks, Sept., 1628, until his death in July following; brother of Henry 1613, and father of Henry 1637. See Foster's Index Eccl.; & O.H.S. iv. 279.

Ramsden, John, B.A. from St. Edmund Hall 15 Jan., 1635-6. [20],

Ramsden, Joseph, s. John, of Howarth (Heworth), Yorks, gent. Trinity Coll., matric. 24 May, 1661, aged 17; of Crowstone, parish of Halifax, gent.; perhaps father of Samuel and Thomas 1687. See Foster's Yorkshire Collection, sub. Hawksworth.

Ramsden, Roger, B.A. from Christ Church 1 Dec., 1553.

Ramsden, Samuel, s. Jos., of Crowston (Grostow), Yorks, gent. University Coll., matric. 20 May, 1697, aged 16; student of Gray's Inn 1697. See Foster's Gray's Inn Reg.

Ramsden, Thomas, s. Joseph, of Greetland, Yorks, gent. Queen's Coll., matric. 30 June, 1687, aged 17; of Crowstone, parish of Halifax, died 1698; father of the next.

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