Page:Alumni Oxonienses (1500-1714) volume 4.djvu/111

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Somner, William, s. William ("Gu."), of Canterbury, p.p. Merton Coll., matric. 16 May, 1678, aged 15, B.A. 19 Jan., 1681-2, M.A. 1684; vicar of Lyminge, Kent, 1685. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Sonaker, John (Sonager or Sonageyr), B.A. 27 June, 1522.

Sond, William, B.A. Oxon; M.A. from Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, 1609 (as Sownde); incorporated 9 July, 1622. See Foster's Graduati Cantab.

Sone, Edward, pleb. Magdalen Hall, subscribed 7 Nov., 1655, B.A. 2 June, 1659.

Sone, John, of London, pleb. St. John's Coll., matric. 8 July, 1586, aged 17, B.A. 10 Oct., 1590, M.A. 2 May, 1594, B.D. 17 Dec., 1600; of Merchant Taylors' school 1575, first under master 1595-1606, vicar of Evenley, Northants, 1606-12, and of Northmoor, Oxon, 1612. See Robinson, i. 23; & Foster's Index Eccl. [5],

Sone, John, of London, pleb. St. John's Coll., matric. 26 Oct., 1621, aged 17, B.A. 7 July, 1625; admitted to Merchant Taylors' school 1617, born Feb., 1604; rector of Kingston Bagpuze, Bucks, 1625. See Robinson, i. 91; & Foster's Index Eccl.

Sone, John, pleb. Magdalen Hall, subscribed 7 Nov., 1655, B.A. 2 June, 1659, M.A. 8 July, 1662.

Sone, John, s. J., of Empshott, Hants, cler. Corpus Christi Coll., matric. 17 March, 1686-7, aged 17, B.A. 16 March, 1690-1; perhaps rector of Penarth, co. Glamorgan, 1716. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Sone, Philip, s. J., of Empshott, Hants, paup. Balliol Coll., matric. 16 Oct., 1690, aged 19, B.A. 19 March, 1695-6; rector of Moresbread, Hants, 1699. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Sones, Edward (Sonys or Sons), B.A. 12 July, 1529.

Sonnibanck, Andrew, of Salop, gent. Christ Church, matric. 18 Nov., 1608, aged 18, B.A. 26 Oct., 1610, M.A. 14 June, 1613. [11],

Son(n)ibancke, Charles, of Salop, pleb. St. Mary Hall, matric. 27 Nov., 1581, aged 17; B.A. from Christ Church 10 June, 1586, M.A. 21 April, 1589, B.D. 9 July, 1596 (then an official of the archbishop of Canterbury). D.D. 8 July, 1607; canon of Windsor, 1598, rector of Wrotham, Kent, 1597, of Wittenham, Berks, 1597, and of Great Haseley, Oxon, 1610; father of John 1618. See Lansdowne MS. 984, f. 249; and Foster's Index Eccl.

Sonnibanks, John (Sonybanks), B.A. from Corpus Christi Coll. 6 July, 1593; perhaps B.C.L. from All Souls' Coll. 22 Nov., 1601.

Son(n)ibanke, John, of Essex, doctoris fil. nat. max. Wadham Coll., matric. 24 April, 1618, aged 17; bar.-at-law Lincoln's Inn 1627 (as son and heir of Charles, S.T.D.). See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Son(n)iburn, Henry, B.C.L. sup. 1 March, 1579-80. See O.H.S. xii. 92. [15],

[Sontley, Hugh, of Oxford University, B.A.; rector of Marchwiel, co. Denbigh, 1556-98, and vicar of Wrexham 1566-98. See Thomas, 830; & Foster's Index Eccl.],

Sontley, Robert, s. Robert, of Sontley, co. Denbigh, arm. Jesus Coll., matric. 20 May, 1664, aged 18.

Soorten, Francis, s. Ellis ("Elizei"), of North Buckland, Devon, pleb. Exeter Coll., matric. 12 May, 1637, aged 15, B.A. 13 May, 1641, fellow 1642-8, M.A. 24 Feb., 1643-4, rector of Honiton 1652, until ejected for nonconformity 1662. See Foster's Index Eccl.; Boase, 67; & Calamy, ii. 41.

Soper, Robert, s. Robert, of Winterbornford, Wilts, pleb. New Coll., matric. 14 Jan., 1630-1, aged 22, B.A. 12 April, 1632, M.A. 10 July, 1635.

Soper, William, of Hants, pleb. Queen's Coll., matric. 15 Nov., 1588, aged 16. [20],

Soper, William, s. James, of Higborough, Devon, pleb. Wadham Coll., matric. 8 March, 1666-7, aged 17, B.A. 1670, M.A. 1673; rector of South Poole, Devon, 1677. See Foster's Index Eccl.

Soppeth, Edward, Augustinian, B.D. sup. 21 April, 1527.

Sorel, John, of Essex, pleb. Trinity Coll., matric. entry under date 29 Jan., 1579-80, aged 16.

Sorocold, Edward, s. Robert, of Manchester, co. Lancaster, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 11 July, 1634, aged 17.

Sorocold, John, s. Tho., of Barton, co. Lancaster, gent. Brasenose Coll., matric. 27 March, 1672, aged 17, B.A. 1675, M.A. 1678; rector of Holbrook, Suffolk, 1691. See Foster's Index Eccl. [25],

Sorocold, Michael, s. James, of Leigh, co. Lancaster, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 20 March, 1684-5, aged 17, B.A. 1688.

Sorocold, Thomas (Sowrocold), of co. Lancaster, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. entry under date 18 July, 1580, aged 18, B.A. 6 Feb., 1582-3, M.A. 8 July, 1585; rector of St. Mildred Poultry, London, 1590; licenced 4 Aug., 1592, to marry Susan daughter of Robert Smith, of St. Bennet Sherehog, London. See Ath. i. 635; & London Marriage Licences, ed. Foster.

Sorton, William, s. Tho., of Hunstanton, Cheshire, pleb. Brasenose Coll., matric. 13 May, 1673, aged 17, B.A. 23 Jan., 1676-7.

Sotheby. See Southby.

Sotherne. See also Southerne. [30],

Sotherne, Richard, scholar Trinity Coll. 7 June, 1558, aged 16, B.A. 28 May, 1560, fellow Exeter Coll. 1560-62. See Boase, 42.

Sotherton, John, of Middlesex, gent. Christ Church, matric. 20 Nov., 1580, aged 18, B.A. 22 Jan., 1582-3, (incorporated at Cambridge), 1583, M.A. 28 April, 1586; bar.-at-law, Inner Temple, 1597, bencher 1610, receiver-general of Beds and Bucks 1604, a baron of exchequer 1610 (perhaps son of John, puisne baron of exchequer); died 1631; father of the next-named. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Sotherton, John, of London, arm. Christ Church, matric. entry 5 Feb., 1612-13, aged 14; bar.-at-law, Gray's Inn, 1622, as son and heir of John, baron of the exchequer. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

Sotherton, Valentine, of London, arm. Christ Church, matric. 3 Nov., 1615, aged 15, B.A. 17 Dec., 1618, student, M.A. 14 June, 1621, B.D. 14 Nov., 1629 (incorporated at Cambridge 1631); licenced to preach 16 Dec., 1636 (son of John, baron of the exchequer); vicar of Spilsbury, Oxon, 1636; died (or buried in Christ Church cathedral 6 March, 1641). See Gutch, i. 507.

Sothill, John (Soothill), s. William, of Horbury, Yorks, pleb. University Coll., matric. 18 June, 1630, aged 17. [35],

Sotho, Peter de, D.D. Salamanca (Spain), incorporated 14 Nov., 1555, came to England with Philip of Spain, died during the council of Trent April, 1563. See Ath. i. 332; & Fasti, i. 148.

Sotwell, Edward, of Yorks, gent. University Coll., matric. 18 June, 1602, aged 17.

Sottwell, Richard (Sattwell), fellow New Coll. 1556-70, from Chute, Wilts, B.C.L. 13 April, 1564, an advocate of Doctors' Commons 1572. See Coote's Civilians, 49.

Sotwell, William, of Wilts, gent. Magdalen Hall, matric. 19 June, 1590, aged 17; bar.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn, 1598. See Foster's Judges and Barristers.

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