Page:Alumni Oxoniensis (1715-1886) volume 1.djvu/15

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Alumni Oxonienses : Preface.

on the distinctive character of my enterprise. In its special annotation, its alphabetical arrangement, and, above all, in its rapid progress, it stands wholly apart on a footing exclusively its own. It may be asserted without fear of contradiction that mine is the only scheme by which it is possible to deal with so gigantic a register, and to place it complete in the hands of the public within a reasonable time, at a moderate cost, and in a handy form for use. From this point of view my plan 'holds the field.'

The most pleasing duty of all remains, that is, to thank those friends to the work who have so kindly helped me in this great undertaking: The Master of University, the Master of Balliol, the Rector of Exeter, the Provost of Oriel, the Provost of Queen's, the Warden of New College, the Warden of All Souls', the President of Magdalen, the Principal of Brasenose, the President of Corpus, the Dean of Christ Church, the President of Trinity, the President of St. John's, the Warden of Wadham, the Master of Pembroke, the Principal of St. Mary's Hall, and the Principal of New Inn Hall, have all alike rendered me valuable assistance; but above all, I am bound to thank, inadequately though it must of necessity be, my friend, the Rev. John R. Magrath, D.D., Provost of Queen's College, for his unbounded help and untiring zeal in enabling me to clear up doubtful points. Nor can I forget my obligations to the Rev. Thomas Vere Bayne, Keeper of the Archives, for his courteous aid on all occasions; as well as to the Rev. Edward Tindal Turner, Registrar of the University, for affording me every facility to complete the transcript of the Matriculation Register.

To other friends — Sir Albert Woods, C.B., Garter-King of Arms; G. E. Cokayne, Esq., Norroy-King of Arms; E. Bellasis, Esq., Lancaster Herald ; the Rev. Andrew Clark, M.A., fellow of Lincoln; and J. H. Round, Esq., M.A., Balliol — my thanks are due for assistance at all times; most especially, however, to Mr. Round, for the great interest he has ever taken in every stage of this work, and for his sound and judicious advice on delicate and difficult matters.


21, Boundary Road, Finchley Road,
London, N.W.
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