Page:Amazing Stories Volume 10 Number 13.djvu/11

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fcs tLCCTRIK- SAVER 3s Thl8 exclusive ” 3s feature cuts radio watt* ^ age consumption 60 M . •USH BUTTON TUNING Mnier tip tuning la nade possible with the dldwest Automatic Push Sutton Tuning System, doubles radio enjoyment. age consumption 60“ • , « YitH li I enables 18 and 18-tube Mid* ^im 1 ’ 1 wests to consume no more curreniwBHS than ordinary 7-tube radios and to operate oa voltages as low as 80 vof Js. miDWCST FIVE - BARD RADI O A COMPARISON CON- VINCED ME I SHOULD HAVE A MIDWEST. IT IS A SPLENDID PERFORMER. I FIND MYSELF SINGING ALONO WITH midwest's marvelously IIFI-UKE PR00AAM5- i * Irene Dunne MIDWEST RADIO CORPORATION Dept. E 1 28 . Cincinnati. Ohio Without obligation on my part, send me your new FREE catalog and complete details of your liberal 30-day FREE trial offer. This is NOT an order. Nome ■ - — ■■■ SptcUl ..<< "U«, prevail only I s jrLbiiuiu rcnrunncn. ( Fred Moc Murray 2sn cincfnnflTr,o«io, u.s.fl. 1920 Coble address miBRCfl-.ftll Cades Address. U/ITM 0,4 MIDWEST '7ree juday triai offer igsesr „.U, 40-PAGI F0UR-C010R 7 nr CAFAI (IG Only ntlOUIEST GIVES YOU PUSH BUiron TIiniBG fi£ud- Exclusive lleui ' UCTRIK SAVIR 1937 TO middlemen's profits to pay! See for i yourselflhat Mia west offers you greater radio values — enables you to buy the more economical factory-to-you way that scores of thousands of radio purchasers have preferred since 1920. Never oefore so much radio for «o little money 1 Why pay more? The broad (Midwest Foreign Reception and Money-Back ■Guarantees insure your satisfaction. You .get 30 days FREE trial in your own home 1 Once a^ain. Midwest demonstrates its leadership by offering the world's most jbowerful and most beautiful ALL- WAVE 16-tube, 6-Band Radio. A startlin ^achievement, it makes the whole worl your playground. Powerful Triple -Twin tubes (two tubes .in one!) give 18-tube results. This advanced radio is a master [achievement, a highly perfected, precisely built, radio-musical instru- ment that will thrill you with its marvelous super performance.. .glorious crystal-clear "concert" realism ...and imagnificcnt foreign reception. The Dual udio Program Expander gives A living, vital realistic quality to £oice and musical reproduction. Glum theatre *sonic SPEHKER ( LEU TUB El ) t r n me _ . . _ IPO.O IV IUDLJ* 5 WAVE BANDS 9to2Z00 METERS • ELECTRIK SAVER • PUSH BUTTON TUNING • • AUTOMATIC AERIAl ADAPTION • DOUBLE PUSH - PULL AUDIO DIRECT FROM FACTORY 74 ADVANCED 1917 FEATURES This Super DcLuxe Midwest is so powerful, so amazingly selective, so delicately sensitive that it brings in distant foreign stations with full loud speaker volume on channels adiaccnt to powerful locals. Scores of mar- velous Midwest features, many of them exclusive, make it easy to parade the nations of the world before you. You can switch instantly from American programs ... to Canadian, police, amateur, commercial, airplane and ship broadcasts. . . to the finest and most fascinating foreign programs. With a Midwest, the finest entertainment the world has to offer is at your command. It is preferred by famous orchestra leaders, musicians, movie stars and discriminating radio purchasers everywhere. You can order your Midwest Air-Tested** radio from the new 40-pa re catalog with as much certainty of satisfaction as if you were to come yourself to our great factory. (It pictures the beautiful 1937 radios ... in their actual colors 1)^ You pay as little as $5. 00 down ! Three iron-clad guar* [ an tees protect you: (1) A Foreign Reception L Guarantee — (2) Absolute Guarantee of | Satisfaction — (3) One* Year Warranty. MIDWEST USES LESS Fill in coupon CURRENT THAN AN NOW. and mail


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