Page:Amazing Stories Volume 10 Number 13.djvu/130

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meeting. He really isn't a scientist, but a good business man who has strayed too far from his proper sphere. I will admit, though, that science has developed a business complex within recent years.

"They cannot, or will not, believe that the earth is like the armature of a gigantic, alternating current motor, which must be kept in phase with the driving force, in this instance, the Cosmic Ray. No, they prefer harnessing the Ray, even though it throws the whole machine out of time."

"But what will happen, Frank?"

"I can only say: I don't know exactly. Maybe anything at all. But I am still sure that something will happen—listen! The President has finished speaking!"

"There—exactly twelve o'clock! Hear that hum?"

"What is it, Dad?" Mary asked. "It is the generator at Niagara," replied Dr. Howell. "It sounds somewhat like a huge alternator, doesn't it?"

"I think the tone is beautiful, Dad."

"Yes,—it is the music of the Universe, of Creation. It could hardly be otherwise than musical. There is no discord in Nature, except when the crude hand of man supplies it."

"How long must we wait. Doctor?" asked Alan.

"We should know more to-morrow, but above all things don't leave the island,” Dr. Howell warned.

BUT the warning was destined to go unheeded, for the morrow never came. And a news flash late that afternoon spelled 'Doom,' to the world. Like a thunder bolt out of a blue sky it came to strike terror into the hearts of the listeners.

"Stand by all stations!" the words of the announcer broke through a musical program given in honor of the opening of the new power plant at Niagara. "Warning—to all citizens of America and the world!

"The Naval Observatory has issued a warning of impending calamity; the earth is slowing down at a rate which will bring it to a complete stop within a few hours! The exact nature of the disturbance has not been discovered, but all persons are urged as a matter of self-preservation to be on the lookout for serious trouble!

"The giant Cosmic Ray generator at Niagara Falls has been stopped as a precautionary measure. Stand by for further announcements which will be given you in the interest of public safety as fast as we receive them!"

"Alan! Dad!" Mary called, as she ran at top speed toward the laboratory, where the two men had gone for final tests of the machines.

The door was open and she entered: "Dad! Did you hear the news?"

"Eh, oh, yes. What news?" Dr. Howell's words were not wholly convincing.

"Why, Dad! The news about the earth slowing down!"

"Yes, Mary, we heard it—and expected something like that to happen. But we didn't want to alarm you. Tell Mother not to worry."

"But, Dad, what will happen next?"

"Well, we are prepared for several things. It may even be that the rotational speed of the earth will increase to normal now that the generator has been stopped. A great deal depends on the amount of the speed already lost. If it exceeds ten per cent allowable slippage, as in a normal motor, then we may never regain our correct position in the heavens.

"There is also a very good chance that the earth will fly out of its orbit and become a comet, burning up as it