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Yes, I will send my
First Lesson FREE

to show how easy it is to



J. E. SMITH, President
National Radio Institute

Do you want to make more money? I'm so sure that I can train you at home in your spare time for a good Radio Job that I'll send you my first lesson absolutely FREE. Examine it, read it, see for yourself how easy it is to understand even if you've never had any technical experience or training.

Many Radio Experts Make
$30, $50, $75 a Week

Radio broadcasting stations employ engineers, operators, station managers and pay up to $5,000 a year. Spare time Radio set servicing pays as much as $200 to $500 a year. Full time Radio servicing Jobs pay as much as $30, $50, $75 a week. Many Radio Experts own and operate their own full time or part time Radio sales and service businesses. Radio manufacturers and jobbers employ testers, inspectors, foremen, engineers, servicemen, paying up to $6,000 a year. Radio operators on ships get good pay and see the world besides. Automobile, police, aviation, commercial Radio, and loud speaker systems offer good opportunities now and for the future. Television promises many good jobs soon. Men I have trained are holding good jobs in all these branches of Radio.

Many Make $5, $10, $15 a Week Extra
in Spare Time While Learning

Practically every neighborhood needs a good spare time serviceman. The day you enroll I start sending you Extra Money Job Sheets. They show you how to do Radio Repair jobs that you can cash in on quickly. Throughout your training I send you plans and ideas that have made good spare time money—from $200 to $500 a year—for hundreds of fellows. I send you special Radio equipment and show you how to conduct experiments and build circuits which illustrate important Radio principles. My Training gives you practical Radio experience while learning.

Get My Lesson and 64-Page Book FREE
Mail Coupon

In addition to my Sample Lesson. I will send you my 64-page Book. "Rich Rewards in Radio." Both are free to any fellow over 16 years old. My book describes Radio's spare time and full time opportunities and those coming in Television; tells about my Training in Radio and Television; tells about my Money Back Agreement; shows you actual letters from men I have trained, telling what they are doing and earning. Find out what Radio offers YOU! MAIL THE COUPON in an envelope, or paste it on a penny post-card— NOW!

J. E. SMITH, President
National Radio Institute, Dept. 6MM,
Washington, D. C.

J. E. SMITH, President,
National Radio Institute, Dept 6MM, Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Smith: Without obligating me, send "Rich Rewards in Radio" which points out the spare time and full time opportunities in Radio and explains your 50-50 method of training men at home in spare time to become Radio Experts. (Please Write Plainly.)




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