Page:Amazing Stories Volume 10 Number 13.djvu/7

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Headlight; Horn; Tool Box; Coaster Brake. Yes. fully equipped. Chromi- um plated parts. A Colson make. What " a Bike! A brand new 1 sporty bike for every ’ ambitious boy oi girll BOVS! • GIRLS! B*I'K*E GIVEN orBig Cash Commission ! YOU CAN GET a Boy’s or Girl's Model Bicycle like this for SIM PLY GIVING AWAY FREE art pictures with our famous WHITE CLO- VLRINE SALVE, used for cuts, burns, chaps, sores, etc., which you sell to your friends at 25c a box (with picture FREE) and remitting as per our premium catalog and plan book. There are many other premium offers in our catalog. Our 41st Anni- versary Year. We are fair and square! — WeTrustYou! It is easy to sell one or more boxes of SALVE in most every home. Old Cloverine Agents , please or- der. Send No Money. BEGIN NOW! Be First. Mail Coupon! WILSON CHEM. CO., Inc. DEPT. NG-81, TYRONE, PA. Ollf FN electric ■ hll MOTOR DRIVEN Movie Projector NEW PREMIUM! Fully equipped with alternating current electric motor. FINISH: Baked crystal enamel. Will accommodate 200 feet film, eight minute show — two 2G0 feet empty reels furnished. Tilting de- vice for angle pro- jection. Reverse re- wind to top spool. Framer. Reflector. Special concen- trated filament bulb, , cord and plug. Size of picture 20 inches by 26 inches at a distance of ten feet from the screen. Weight 8 V6 pounds each. AJimDandy! Ge. on e now! FREE 25 feet of Film BOYS! GIRLS! MOTOR DRIVEN SEE MOTOR valued at 75c included if you remit Tn 10 days! You can get this Pro- jector easily by SIMPLY GIVING AWAY FREE Art Pictures with famous WHITE CLOVERINE SALVE, used for burns, chaps, etc., ” - v, — / . puppy r ._j __ which you sell to friends at 25c a box (with picture FREE) and re- mit os per our premium plan catalog. Send no money 1 We trust you! Mail Coupon 1 WILSON CHEM.CO.,lnc. v Dept. NG -81, Tyrone, Pa. RADIOo'RIFLE GIVENH GIVEN! Monoyl RIFLE or 6-tube AC-DC Superhetero- dyne Long and Short Wave RADIO picks up calls, amateur and re- gular broadcasts. Dynamic speaker, airplane dial. Wonderful selectivity and sensitivity. Fine tone. Compact. Shielded chassis. IT’S UNUSUAL. You can easily get one of these Radios or Rifles by SIMPLY GIVING AWAY FREE beautifully colored art pic- tures suitable for framing with our well known WHITE CLO- VERINE SALVE, used lor cuts, burns, chaps, sores, etc., which you sell to friends at 25c a box (with picture FREE) and remit as per new big premium plan book! Get started with this plan — people are buying now! Our 41st Year. Mail Coupon Now! WILSON CHEM. CO., INC., Dept. NG-81, TYRONE, PA. OR BIG CASH' COMMISSION! BOYS! — MEN! — WOMEN! I VER JOHNSON 22Cal. Bolt action self-cocking pistol grip patented^ Safety GIVEN BOYS & GIRLS 1937 MODEL SEND NO MONEY We Trust You I Streamline WAGON with troll top. bis hub caps, electric headlights, bumper, brakes and bearing disc wheels. GIVEN Big Guitar or Mickey Mouse Watch Or BIG CASH COMMISSION! Send No Money! WeTrustYou! | e STANDARD SIZE GUITAR. Regulated, fret- la BhIS ted, ebonized finger-board — pearl position dots. Just a9 shown. See Mickey Mouse on the dial of Wrist Watchl In colors, tool Mickey’s also on the strap or link bracelet. WHAT A WATCH 1 You can easily get either the ' Guitar or the Watch by SJIVZFLY GIVING AWAYjFREEbeautifullycoloredArtPictures _ with our famous WHITE CLOVERINE (H SALVE, used for cuts, burns, chaps, sores, of many ^ othergiftsor Cash Commission! We are Fair and Square I


' colored pictures with our fa- I moos WHITE CLOVERINE y SALVE used for cuts, burns, //etc., easily sold to friends at / 25c a box (with picture Free} 'and remit per catalog. Be first WILSON CHEM. CO., INC., Dept. NG-81, TYRONE, PA. etc., which you sell to your friends, ■■■■ mTUt All COUPON NOW! 11 Mi M ■ datives and neighbors at 250 a f , ol _ _ _ . box (giving away picture FREE’) 5 WILSON CHEM. CO., Inc., DepLN G -81, Tyrone, Pa. Date. vgnuix ona; uaiuio i nuui _ — » • ■ _ .. . . ... . _. and remitting - as Der our new I Gentlemen: — Please send me 12 Beautiful Art Pictures with 12 boxes oremuim fhoL m WHITE CLOVERINE SALVE tosell at25cabox (giving picture FREE), premium catalog. i_.noice OI ■ | rem ft within 30 days, select a premium or keep cash comnusstoo many other valuable gifts. ■ as per premium plan catalog sent with order, postage paid. Easy to sell one or more boxes | in most every home. Our 41st «  , Anniversary Year. W’e are I W9n ,«  I reliable. Send No Money — ■ We Trust You I BE FIRST ■ IN YOUR HOME TOWN lip n Our Easy Plans Keep Thousands* D-X — Busy. MAIL Coupon l -SL. WILSON CHEM. CO., INC. j Town Dept. NG-81. TYRONE, PA. | p _Stat€L_ NOTE: We pay postage on all premiums, 3 pounds or less like, watches, telescopes, blankets, curtains, etc., per catalog. W.C.Co., Inc. I PRINT YOUR LAST NAME ONLY IN SPACE BELOW i i i i i i i i m i r I*ASTI^COUPO£^^^U’ennyPo8tcard^>^lalHr^»r^&Tvelop^roday^ (

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