Page:Amazing Stories Volume 16 Number 11.djvu/233

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Amazing Stories will publish in each issue a selection of letters from readers. Everybody is welcome to contribute. Bouquets and brickbats will have an equal chance. Inter-reader correspondence and controversy will be encouraged through this department. Get in with the gang and have your say.


Contrary to popular belief that the most publicized story is the best in the issue, I thought that "Death Rides At Night" was the best yarn in the Mag. "The Vengeance of Martin Brand" would be second. I thought that "Moon Madness" was pretty lousy. Hank Kuttner's novel was good, too. Puleeezz!!! no more Cummings!!!! more Hadley!!! Boy!!! that Pic for L. Yerxa's was tops.

Eugene Setchell,
119 E. State St.,
Algona, Iowa.

Undoubtedly Mr. Yerxa will be glad to see that you liked his story so much. He'll be back again in the future. He reappeared in the October issue, you know. Hadley will be back too.Ed.


I thought the July Amazing was perfect! All the stories were fine, except "The Powers of Darkness," which I did not like. Please don't print any more like that. Ray Cummings is swell! I liked the Observatory. Jay Jackson is my favorite illustrator. Does he do the back cover? I liked that, too. Hawk Carse was good.

I am only 11 years old, which I think makes me your youngest reader. I think both Amazing and Fantastic are the greatest magazines I have ever read!

George Ebey,
4766 Reinhardt Drive,
Oakland, Calif.

We're tickled to have you for a reader, George! But we’re afraid you'll have competition on that "Youngest reader" business. How about it? Any more of our readers as young or younger than this lad? No, James B. Settles does the back cover.Ed.


"The Vengeance of Martin Brand" started off nicely, and if the ending is as good as the beginning, it'll be a darn good serial. Cabot's short was good as usual. "The Sheriff" was O.K., but I seem to smell something stale. Yerxa wrote a fair story, and Fearn's was no better. Kuttner should be shot for his story. Percy Wren wrote it so much better. Festus didn't let me down, though. He always is one of the best. More, PLEASE. Powell was swell, too. Lewis only wrote a fair yarn. Bond is among the best.

Art—Mac can do better. MILBURN? Plenty good. Jackson was sloppy. Hadley, fair. Fuqua and Smith—O.K. Others O.K. Back cover—swell.

Get more—Adam Link, Lanse Biggs, Horsesense Hank, Don Hargreaves, Hok, Henry Horn, etc. Also, more BURROUGHS.

John Nordstrom,
116 Pratt St.,
Minneapolis, Minn.

All of the characters you mention are coming back!Ed.


Guess what? At last I shall write you a letter and this August issue certainly deserves a letter. It is truly amazing that you can just hand Williams a cover illustration and tell him to make a story out of it, but still more amazing that he made such a grand story from it. Amazing stories are truly amazing—Bond's short was only fair. "Giants Beyond Pluto" was a splendid story but "Stinky" smelled a little. I still like him though.

I was expecting a better tale coming from McGivem but it is was still good.

I dislike serials as a rule but nevertheless the last two have been amazing. "Gods of the Jungle" will never be forgotten (by me anyway).

I think "The Vengeance of Martin Brand" should have ended differently, but then—I'm just a sucker for happy endings. See if you can get Irwin to write a sequel to "The Vengeance of Martin Brand."

In a final statement I am in full agreement with Julian Snider—get Finlay and Paul for interior illustrations!

Ira Watson,
806 S. Barker,
El Reno, Okla.

We have several marvelous Finlay illustrations on hand, and they will appear soon. Watch for them both in Amazing and in Fantastic.Ed.

(Continued on page 236)