Page:Amazing Stories Volume 21 Number 06.djvu/138

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mechanisms of the Elder race; which same mechanisms are the instruments that have held this class in power for many, many centuries.

I am saying that, due to many conditions which we cannot understand over a long period of time, many of these people are idiotic, and unfit to be allowed to continue as our "secret" overlords.

I say that if people generally knew this condition, they would lose the awe and fear that keeps from the race of man many great secrets which would prove a new and greater path of life for all of us.

I am saying to these men who cry: "we want an artifact, an inscription, an ancient mss, we want proof!"—you have proof all about you! But your minds are so slanted by wrong teachings that you misinterpret these artifacts and remnants on the surface which tell the truth about the God cavern's existence.

Egyptian hieroglyphs, Mayan temple drawings, innumerable such sources are chock-full of references to the caverns, but since the science which interprets these relics has no word for any of these "myths" except as myths, that is how they are interpreted—as childish tales only.

Only by going into the caves and returning with the actual pieces of mechanism could these gentlemen be convinced. If any of the thing is true, any logician can know that is an impossible request. It is like sending an Ambassador to Russia in a top hat and frock coat, striped pants and brief case, and asking him to bring back proof that the Russians are contemplating a world revolution. He would be turned aside everywhere he went, and would come back with what we already know (if he came back at all—which is improbable)—"the Russians have an iron curtain on information."

I don't blame the Russians overmuch. But I do blame the cavern people because so much of the cavern mech is medical in nature. It would revolutionize all medicine if M.D.s had penetrays; electric needle rays for surgery without incision; beneficial rays that can keep a dying man alive long, long after he would ordinarily die; beneficial rays that make a man think several times as well. Their science was based on a knowledge of man's nature far beyond our own—and nearly every one of their mechanisms is of some immediate physical use to health!

So we are deprived of them because they keep some idiot in wealth and power, who does not even know enough to have technicians hired to study and develop a knowledge of the nature and uses of these machines. Who has no real grasp of the importance of the caves!

You ask for proofs of the giganticism of the far past—and you can find Devil's Tower (Wyoming) in any Atlas. It is a national monument! If it isn't a gigantic petrified stump larger than any redwood ever hoped to be, I will eat my hat! The stump alone is taller than the Empire State building! What size were men when trees grew that size?

THEY were the men who are spoken of as the Aesir, under Ygdrasil's branches, planning a battle against the Frost Giants! And they had telaug beams (Odin's Eye), and they had "magical" underground dwarfs, and icy underworld realms of magic—and we have only the Devil's Tower to prove it today. But it was a long time ago; when the sun itself was more beneficial and less aging. BUT, BROTHER, HOW CAN YOU ASK FOR PROOF WHEN YOU HAVE A DEVIL'S TOWER?

Through our dope rings (now don't tell me there are no dope rings) daily many men and women are sent to the underworld. What becomes of them? They don't come back? No! They become slaves or worse. In some cases they are employees; but at the mercy of a capricious despotic class who kill for pleasure. One might as well be a slave.

These people leave no traces! Did you ever try to trace a man to a dope den? You can't. It has "protection," and it is not a dope den. Don't tell me you don't understand. How could I prove a certain place was a dope den, and that people disappear there regularly? You know even the F.B.I. has a hard job with these things, never get them all. I don't think they even touch a raygraft; because it is an old "taboo," and they know better than to try. I think they leave it strictly alone.

We don't know how the secrecy is maintained. I do know that it is, and that the things I say go on, do happen.

But I could no more prove many such things than I could prove that Standard Oil cheated on their income tax. Nor could anyone.

But there is a vast number of eye-witness testimony; there is a vast amount of writing from the past that is misunderstood; there is a mass of incontrovertible proof—IF YOU INTERPRET IT CORRECTLY! But you don't! You say the old standard explanations over and over—and they are part of the curtain that has been erected for an age between common people and the Forbidden Fruit.

For the Forbidden Fruit is the greatest pleasure on earth; and from our present day standards or morals, it is an immoral pleasure. Hence it remains hidden—although the truth is it would be the greatest stimulation our form of society could receive. Men would develop—for it would furnish a vast incentive to science and invention and medicine (especially) that is now lacking!

As I see it, what the two classes, the two "worlds," need most is a mutual port of trade, a city or a market or a place where the things of value from one world may be openly traded for those of the other. For our washing machines we would get telaugs and stim mech and small levitators and similar apparatus which would be infinitely valuable to us—and from what I have seen, they could use the washing machines, yes!

Secrecy has acted as such a throttling thing on