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There's rhyme and there's reason in that statement of I. C. S. advantages to you.

The courses of these famous schools are especially designed for study in your spare time. At work you prove and apply what you learn.

This system is backed up by 55 years of I. C. S. experience in training men in virtually every industrial and business field. It works so well that analysis shows about 99% of today's 100,000 active I. C. S. students are holding down jobs.

Many of the men and women now filling top positions in commerce and industry obtained their business or technical training from I. C. S. in just that way. What they achieved in their spare time, you can do in yours.

Start now—as they did—by marking and mailing this coupon:



Without cost or obligation, please send me full particulars about the course before which I have marked X:

Air Conditioning and Plumbing Courses

□ Air Conditioning
□ Heating □ Plumbing
□ Refrigeration □ Steam Fitting

Chemistry Courses

□ Chemical Engineering
□ Chemistry, Analytical
□ Chemistry, Industrial
□ Chemistry, Mfg. Iron & Steel
□ Petroleum Refining □ Plastics
□ Pulp and Paper Making

Civil Engineering, Architectural and Mining Courses

□ Architectural Drafting
□ Architecture
□ Bridge and Building Foreman
□ Building Estimating
□ Civil Engineering
□ Coal Mining
□ Contracting and Building
□ Highway Engineering
□ Lumber Dealer
□ Reading Structural Blueprints
□ Sanitary Engineering
□ Structural Drafting
□ Structural Engineering
□ Surveying and Mapping

Communications Courses

□ Electronics
□ Practical Telephony
□ Radio, General
□ Radio Operating
□ Radio Servicing
□ Telegraph Engineering

Electrical Courses

□ Electrical Drafting □ Electrical Engineering □ Electric Light and Power □ Lighting Technician □ Practical Electrician</poem>

Internal Combustion Engines Courses

□ Auto Technician □ Aviation
□ Diesel-Electric
□ Diesel Engines □ Gas Engines

Mechanical Courses

□ Aeronautical Engineering
□ Aircraft Drafting
□ Flight Engineer
□ Foundry Work
□ Heat Treatment of Metals
□ Industrial Engineering
□ Industrial Metallurgy
□ Machine Shop
□ Mechanical Drafting
□ Mechanical Engineering
□ Mold-Loft Work
□ Patternmaking—Wood, Metal
□ Reading Shop Blueprints
□ Sheet-Metal Drafting
□ Sheet-Metal Worker
□ Ship Drafting □ Ship Fitting
□ Tool Designing
□ Toolmaking
□ Welding—Gas and Electric

Railroad Courses

□ Air Brake □ Car Inspector
□ Diesel Locomotive
□ Locomotive Engineer
□ Locomotive Fireman
□ Railroad Section Foreman

Steam Engineering Courses

□ Boilermaking
□ Combustion Engineering
□ Engine Running

Textile Courses

□ Cotton Manufacturing
□ Rayon Weaving
□ Textile Designing
□ Woolen Manufacturing

Business and Academic Courses

□ Accounting □ Advertising
□ Arithmetic □ Bookkeeping
□ Business Correspondence
□ Business Management
□ Certified Public Accounting
□ Commercial
□ Cost Accounting
□ Federal Tax
□ First Tear College
□ Foremanship □ French
□ Good English □ High School
□ Higher Mathematics
□ Illustrating □ Motor Traffic
□ Postal Service
□ Salesmanship □ Secretarial
□ Sign Lettering
□ Spanish □ Stenography
□ Marine Engineering
□ Steam Electric □ Steam Engines
□ Traffic Management

Name Age Home Address

City State Present Position

Working Hours A.M. to P.M.

Length of Service In World War II

Special tuition rates to members of the Armed Forces. Enrollment under the G.I. Bill of Rights approved for War II Veterans.
Canadian residents send coupon to International Correspondence Schools Canadian, Ltd., Montreal, Canada.