Page:Ambulance 464 by Julien Bryan.djvu/236

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July 23.
Regent Palace Hotel, London.

We had an uneventful Channel trip from Havre to Southampton escorted by three British destroyers and zig-zagging the entire distance. We had no trouble at either port, fortunately, and went up to London on the next train. We chose the Regent Palace in Piccadilly as our hotel because it had been recommended as the place where all "officers" back from France spent their permissions.

Ever since we arrived, we have been on the go. Sometimes it's sightseeing, and again it is shopping, and every evening we try the theatres. Last night we saw the "Maid of the Mountains," and the day before, "Inside the Lines." There are far more amusement places open here than in Paris, and a good many more civilians. The people seem happier---I suppose because they have not had the war brought as close to them as the French. Early Sunday morning the "Air Raid" alarms sounded all over the city and everyone rushed outside to get a better view of the enemy's planes, instead of going down into the cellar as the officials expect them to do.

Several days ago I found a place called the "Indian Restaurant." Never thinking that this meant