Page:America's National Game (1911).djvu/134

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himself a fine player and an enthusiastic supporter of the game, favored the scheme and at once gave to it his personal aid and encouragement.

On the 11th of July, 1867, therefore, the Nationals, accompanied by a party of friends, started upon a trip to the West that was to include in its itinerary the States of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri and Illinois. The club was under the personal management of its President, Col. Frank Jones, and with him were the following players:

George Wright, shortstop and captain; W. F. Williams, a young law student, pitcher; Frank P. Norton, clerk in the Treasury Department, catcher; G. H. E. Fletcher, clerk in the Third Auditor's Office, first base; E. A. Parker, clerk in Internal Revenue Office, second base; George H. Fox, student at Georgetown College, third base; S. L. Studley, clerk in Treasury Department, left field; Harry W. Berthrong, clerk in Comptroller's Office, center field; Harry C. McLease, of the Auditor's Office, right field; E. G. Smith, clerk in the Fourth Auditor's Office, substitute. Henry Chadwick was a member of the party and official scorer.

The President of the Nationals had arranged a schedule of games to be played on this trip, the list being as follows:

Capital Club, of Columbus, Ohio; Cincinnatis and Buckeyes, at Cincinnati, Ohio; Louisville Club, at Louisville, Ky.; the Westerns, at Indianapolis, Ind.; the Empires and Unions, at St. Louis, Mo.; the Excelsiors and Atlantics, at Chicago, Ill., and the Forest City Club, of