Page:America's National Game (1911).djvu/181

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though it was the general opinion that the Red Stockings would win. In this innings the Atlantics had two men on bases—McDonald on second and Pearce at first—when Smith, the next man up, hit a pop-fly to George Wright at short. Then was introduced the first recorded instance of a play that later was not infrequently witnessed. Holding up his hands as if to catch the easy ball, Wright signalled to Waterman to get to his base. McDonald and Pearce, certain that the batsman would be out on such an easy fly—and not reckoning upon the fielder's choice—stood quietly at their bases. Then Wright purposely trapped the ball by scooping it up on the first bound and threw it to Waterman at third, who passed it to Sweasy at second, and McDonald and Pearce being forced by Smith's hit, made fair by Wright's strategic play, were both declared out before they realized what had happened to them. Of course. Smith made first in safety, but the double play had cost the Atlantics two men, as Wright intended, and the side was out, with ten innings played and the score tied.

In the eleventh innings, the Red Stockings went to bat and added two to their score. At this point the Brooklyn crowd of spectators, losing all hope of victory for the home team, started to leave the grounds—when the unexpected happened.

The score now showed the Cincinnati team two runs to the good, with two to tie and three to win as the demand from the Atlantics in their half of the eleventh. Brainard, of the Reds, who up to that innings had been pitching a great game, suddenly had a streak of ill luck,