Page:America's National Game (1911).djvu/199

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adopted. It provided for ten men and a ten innings game. The argument that led to the adoption of this rule was that, as played, the game had a lopsided field; that between first and second bases was a hole that needed protection by a second shortstop. The experiment was tried, but was soon abandoned and the rule rescinded, as the innovation had added nothing to the interest or perfection of the game.

In this year, 1874, eight clubs again entered the championship contest, only one (the Chicago Club) being from the West. Eastern cities represented were Boston, Baltimore, Brooklyn, Hartford, New York and Philadelphia. The City of Brotherly Love had two clubs. Out of 232 games scheduled 96 were not played at all, clubs ignoring them, consulting only their own desires or convenience. The Bostons again led in the race, the standing at the close being as follows: Bostons, Mutuals, Athletics, Philadelphias, Chicagos, Atlantics, Hartfords and Marylands.

Thirteen clubs entered the lists in 1875 for the Association championship pennant. But the number thirteen proved to be unlucky, for the season's play was characterized by so many fiagrant abuses that it sounded the death knell of the National Association of Professional Base Ball Players and opened up another important era in the game.

The pennant for the season of 1875 was again won by Boston, and for the fourth time in succession. Other clubs followed in this order: Athletics, Hartfords, St. Louis, Philadelphias, Chicagos, Mutuals, St. Louis Reds,