Page:America's National Game (1911).djvu/240

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Armed with these credentials, Mr. Hulbert sent personal notices to accredited representatives of each of the Eastern professional clubs, viz.: President G. W. Thompson, of the Athletics, of Philadelphia; President N. T. Appolonio, of the Boston Club; President M. G. Bulkeley, of the Hartford Club; and President W. H. Cammeyer, of the Mutuals, of Brooklyn, that he would be pleased to meet them at his hotel—the Grand Central—in New York City, at a given hour—the time differing in each invitation—on the morning of February 2d, 1876. On the date appointed Mr. Hulbert was present at the place named to receive his company. One after another came until all had arrived. Then this aggressive Base Ball magnate from the West, who had never been present at a similar meeting in his life, went to the door of his room, locked it, put the key in his pocket, and, turning, addressed his astonished guests something after this manner:

"Gentlemen, you have no occasion for uneasiness. I have locked that door simply to prevent any intrusions from without, and incidentally to make it impossible for any of you to go out until I have finished what I have to say to you, which I promise shall not take an hour." He then laid before the assembled auditors the Base Ball situation in all its varied interests. He pointed out the evils of gambling that were threatening the very life of the game, reducing receipts, demoralizing players. He spoke of the abuse of "revolving," and paid his respects to the managers—some of whom were present—who were engaged in the reprehensible work of inducing players to