Page:America's National Game (1911).djvu/335

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man as a pauper. With fine spirit, Mr. Chadwick published Freedman's letter, in which he declared that if other League managers were of Freedman's mind he would not accept another penny. To the credit of the gentlemen be it said that every one wrote, disclaiming any sympathy with Freedman's view of the case.

In August, 1901, a secret meeting was held at the home of Andrew Freedman, at Red Bank, N. J. There were present representative, from the New York, Boston, Cincinnati and St. Louis Clubs. Managers of the Chicago, Brooklyn, Philadelphia and Pittsburg Clubs were neither invited nor expected.

At this meeting the National Agreement, drawn by A. G. Mills, and which had been for so many years the cornerstone of the Base Ball edifice, withstanding all the storms that had beaten upon it, was abrogated, that a Trust might be formed which should thereafter control the interests of the game. The nature of this proposed radical change in League Base Ball control may be gleaned from the following excerpt from the files of the New York Sun, under date December 11, 1901:

"This scheme contemplates the organization of the National League Base Ball Trust, to be divided into preferred and common stock, the preferred stock to draw a dividend of 7 per cent., all of which is to belong to the National League, as a body; the common stock to be used in payment for the present eight League Clubs, as follows:

"New York to receive about 30 per cent.
"Cincinnati to receive about 12 per cent.
"St. Louis to receive about 13 per cent.
"Boston to receive about 13 per cent.
"Philadelphia to receive about 10 per cent.
"Chicago to receive about 10 per cent.
"Pittsburg to receive about 8 per cent.
"Brooklyn to receive about 6 per cent.