Page:America's National Game (1911).djvu/376

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the story of his life and the story of the sport toward which he contributed so much. One tablet gives his age and across it, in letters which will last ages, there is the well-known inscription, 'Father of Base Ball.' The other tablets show bats crossed with the mask and the glove, which are part of the implements of the national pastime.

"Mrs. Chadwick, who is ninety years of age, was present yesterday with her daughters and listened to the ceremoni s at the side of the grave. The Rev. Dr. T. E. Potterton, of the Church of Our Father, began with prayer, after which Miss Caylor pulled the cord which held a national flag in folds over the monument. Mr. William Hudson, of the Brooklyn Eagle editorial staff, a personal friend of the dead writer, delivered the oration, and Charles H. Ebbets, President of the Brooklyn Base Ball Club, in behalf of organized Base Ball, presented the monument to Mrs. Chadwick.

"Miss Florence Richter, daughter of the editor of Sporting Life, designed the monument, which was warmly praised by those who were present yesterday at the dedication ceremonies."