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America Fallen

sailed at intervals during the last two weeks of March, and the rate of steaming was so adjusted as to bring the whole expedition to New York, Boston, and Washington between the 1st and 3d of April.

The third army of 130,000 men, in transports of from 14 to 19 knots' speed set sail on April 1st, the faster ships of the George Washington and America type pushing on with all speed, and the slower ships proceeding as a fleet under convoy of the ten battleships of the Wittlesbach and Kaiser Wilhelm II. classes.

And so it came about that, by employing the full force of every naval and private shipyard in the country, Germany, within the month, had embarked upon the seas an army of invasion composed of 200,000 of the picked veteran troops of the war, completely equipped with artillery, transport, and supplies.

And, thanks to the tightening of the