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The Raid of the Submarines

hundred yards; leading boats showing hooded lights astern to preserve station.

At entrance to the Narrows flotilla submerged and proceeded at one-third speed, reaching New York Navy Yard at 4:30 A.M., April 1st.

I submit a rough sketch showing the position of the drydocks and of the enemy's vessels, and also the course followed by the boats of my flotilla.

In a conference held aboard our tender before reaching the American coast, I arranged that U-40 should attack the submarines and destroyers; that U-41 should torpedo the caisson gate of drydock A; and that U-42 should destroy the gate of drydock B. Each boat was to do such other damage as the conditions would permit. U-40 and U-41 were to enter in line ahead, and make the circuit of the basin; U-42 was to back in and take position in the middle of the basin.