J 1
�� ��366
��[n, s., i, 1899
��not associated with evidences of contact with civilization, and accompanied with chipped stone arrowpoints and other things which indicate that they were made prior to such contact. Sev-
�����12 — Forms of hammers or pestles from Alaska, a, Prince of Wales island. No. E-53 ; £, Jitka, No. E-31 -^ c % Yakutat, No. E-^j ; <r\ Chilcat, No. E-44 ; e y Chilcat, No. E-35 ; yj Sitka, Jo. 19-70 ; g. Chilcat, No. 19-88 ; A, Fort Wrangel, No. E-20 ; *, Sitka, No. 10-73 % J* Auk,
��eral were found in a shell-heap in the delta of Fraser river, at con- siderable depth below many undisturbed shell-layers, over which was a stump of a Douglas fir more than six feet in diameter. The curious handles of the Alaskan type — resembling those of
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