Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/550

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those designed for pleasure, those designed for welfare, those de- signed for justice, those designed for expression, and those designed for instruction. Yet, if we were writing a treatise on political economy it would be necessary to deal severally with assisting corporations, partnership corporations, creative corpora- tions, investing corporations, and society corporations, for in every one of these classes there are principles of justice which specially pertain to the class. Thus, assisting corporations often assemble on the invitation of the person to be assisted, and whether the invitation be heeded is wholly voluntary with the in- dividual invited, and yet custom is almost as imperative as stat- utory law. Then there are special principles of jurisprudence which pertain to partnership corporations, which affect the respon- sibility of the parties to others, and the mutual ownership of the incorporators. In creative corporations the employees are more thoroughly differentiated from the proprietors, and the employees themselves are apt to organize trade unions, and the employers as corporations negotiate with the trade unions in important particu- lars. Again, in investing corporations the stockholders constitute a special body themselves, the members of which may not take a personal part in the creative corporations, although the members of the creative corporation may sometimes hold stock in the investing corporation. In these corporations the employees all receive salaries, but some are known as officers and others as laborers. In society corporations the purpose is usually to pro- mote some desired end, the interest in which will continue for time indefinitely, as when schools are endowed or churches built. For present purposes we need not take up the classes of cor- porations seriatim, but indicate only their classification by qualities.

Corporations for Pleasure. — A number of schoolboys wish to play ball. Two leaders are chosen, and each one selects his help- ers and assigns to each a particular part in the game ; he thus organizes a baseball nine, which is a corporation for pleasure.

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