Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/575

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Chickasaw, their old friends and instigators in the war, and it is probable that most of the others soon joined them. They seem to have found their new position insecure, as the Chicka- saw were themselves hard pressed at this time by the French, and in 1736 a delegation pf twenty-six 4< Natchee " Indians applied to the government of South Carolina for permission to settle their tribe on Savannah river. This seems to be their first appearance in Carolina history. Adair, the historian of the southern tribes, was at this time living among the Chickasaw. Their request was evidently granted, and they removed to the frontier of South Carolina, as did a portion of the Chickasaw at another time, on the persuasion of the English traders. 1 The 44 Nachee " are mentioned by Adair as one of the smaller tribes living with the Catawba in 1743, but retaining their distinct language. The next year the " Notchees," having killed some Catawba in a drunken quarrel, fled down to the white settlements to escape the vengeance of the injured tribe, and the colonial government was compelled to interfere to settle the affair. It is probable that the result of the quarrel was to separate them permanently from the Catawba, as in 175 1 we find the 4< Notchees " again noted as one of the small tribes living in the South Carolina settlements. Soon after they seem to have moved up again and joined the Cherokee, for in 1755 they are twice mentioned as concerned with that tribe in the killing of some Indians near the coast settlements. This appears to be the last reference to them in the South Carolina records.*

Just here Cherokee tradition takes them up, under the name of Anintsi) abbreviated from Ani-Nd* tsi, the plural of Nd'tsi. From a chance coincidence with the word for pine-tree, ndtsi y some English-speaking Indians have rendered this name as 4t Pine Indians/' The Cherokee generally agree that the Natchez came

��1 Adair, op. cit., p. 224.

  • Mooney, Siouan Tribes of the East (Bulletin of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1894),.

pp. 83-84.

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