Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/597

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described, for Aldsaka is intimately associated with the sun, as are all the other horned gods, Ahole, Calako, Tunwup, and the Natackas. An interesting detail of the symbolism of this picture of the sun is the crescents under the eyes, which are found also on dolls representing the mother of the gods, Hahaiwuqti, an Earth-goddess of first importance. The personators of Aldsaka paint a white crescent under the left eye.

There is good authority for the belief that the conventional symbol of Aldsaka is a profile view of a budding squash-blossom — a central bud and two lateral leaves. When this symbol be- comes highly conventionalized, or made of rectangular instead of curved lines, it consists of a straight line with a triangle on each side, and is then the same symbol of generation that is painted with red iron oxide on the breast, arms, and thighs of the two phallic societies in the public New-fire ceremony.

As an idea of the nature of Aldsaka may be discovered from morphological symbolism, let us examine the figures of a few of the horned "gods" in the Hopi Olympus.

The first group of horn-headed gods to which reference may- be made are the pictures found on altars in the ceremonies called Nimdn and Powamfi. At Walpi these pictures are said to repre- sent Tunwupkatcina* a name which may be of Tanoan origin. Figures of Tunwup have two lateral horns on the head, to the tips of which representations of feathers are sometimes appended. On the top of the head, between these two horns, there is repre- sented a crest of radiating feathers, and on the forehead a broad- headed arrow which is sometimes modified to resemble the symbolism on the face of the figures of the sun painted on disks.

The Tunwup type of horned gods includes the Calako-taka y Natacka, and one or two others. The mask of AAole, who flogs the children during the PowamU celebration, has the same two lateral horns and representation of radiating feathers over the

��1 Tun (Tewa), sun ; wupo (Hopi), great = " great sun katcina.


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