Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/638

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gathered by Dr Membrefio in the above-titled work, there are found Spanish terms used with significations differing from those of classic Spanish ; others are of Indian, especially Nahuatl, origin, or dialectal terms now of unknown derivation. The author often illustrates the meanings of peculiar words by presenting sentences in which they occur ; and from the number of collaborators mentioned it is apparent that the people of Honduras are taking deep interest in researches of this description. The appendix to the volume is devoted to vocabu- laries, each of 250 to 400 terms, of the following Indian stock languages spoken within the confines of the republic : Moreno or Carib, Zambo or Misskito, Sumo or Woolwa, Pay a, Jicaque, Lenco, and Chorti. While Chorti belongs to the Maya family, Carib originally was South American and West Indian ; and Zambo, better known to Americans as Misskito, has its principal domain in eastern Nicaragua. Of the Paya no vocabulary had ever been printed prior to the present work consequently Membrefto's publication, so far at least as Indian linguis- tics are concerned, comes as a highly agreeable surprise.

A. S. Gatschet

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