Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/873

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American Anthropologist


��The America* Akthkopokmhst (New Series) will lie published ia January, April, July, sad October, the quarterly numbers, each ion- taining about 200 ocUvo pages, with illustrations, forming an annual volume »f 800 page*. The subscription price is four dollars per year; single numbers, $1.25.

The editors aim to rnakr lite jnamal a mrdirtm of r-oKirminic-sdrin 11 itndeati of ill brancha nf Anthrnpnlogy. its contents wtil 1 1) high-grade paper* pertaining to all parts of the duni-iin of A n thin po logy, the technical papers |o be Hunted iu number and length ; (;) briefer conlriuu tiuns an anthropologic subjects, including discussion and correspondence ; (j) reviews (it anthropologic literature ; (4) B current bibliography of anthropology ; and (5) minor notes and news.

The Editorial Hoard have undertaken, individually and collectively, to carry out the purpose of the journal and to render it representative of the science of Anthropology, and especially or Anthropology in America. The journal is not the organ of any single group of investi- gator*, It will he devoted to the needs of the science Jn all pturu o! , .iking America.

The member* of the Editorial Board earnestly invite the cooperation of all students of Anthropology. Alihuu^h

Baud, the contributors uf accepted article* are alone

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oi widely a* practicable, for the use of scholars and of students, the

roveitjgtlnmB. In eases in which the material

from the AjgiHKOVoLoanr can be nifllaed to advantage in connection

with anthropologic work, the Editorial Board will be prepared, unless

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, material.

lisherj are invited tn u 1 ■ likely to prove o

■ ■■'.-. *o received will be duly noted id the Current Bibli ropology, which it is desired to nuke

��� ��All contributions to ttin magazEnr, »nd all carreipofideftci (ntial nature, should be *ildie*s*d to the Secretary aad Managing Editor, F. W. HODGE, iih F SltoC, Washington, D. C.

Correspondence jicrtaJniac to subscription* and advertisements Should be addressed to G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS. 2} A 19 W New Vwtt Cttj.

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