American Histoi'ical Association 505 Joint Local Committee of Arrangements for the Next Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, the Amer- ican Economic Association, the American Political Science Association, and the American Sociological Society: Burr W. Jones, Esq., Madison, Wisconsin, chairman ; Richard T. Ely, Carl R. Fish, Dana C. Munro, Paul S. Reinsch, Edward A. Ross, R. G. Thwaites, and William F. Vilas. Committee on the Entertainment of Ladies at the Aboi-e Meet- ing: ]Irs. Lucius Fairchild, Madison, Wisconsin, chairman : Mrs. William F. Allen, and Miss Ida M. Tarbell. Editors of the American Historical ReinenK Professor George B. Adams, Yale University, chairman ; George L. Burr, Albert Bushnell Hart, J. Franklin Jameson, Andrew C. McLaughlin, and William IL Sloane. Historical Manuscripts Commission: J. Franklin Jameson, Car- negie Institution of Washington, chairman ; Edward G. Bourne, Worthington C. Ford, Frederick W. JMoore, Thomas M. Owen, and James A. Woodburn. Committee on the Justin IVinsor Prize: Professor Charles H. Hull. Cornell University, chairman ; Edward P. Cheyney, Evarts B. Greene, John H. Latane, and Williston Walker. Public Archives Commission: Professor Herman '. Ames, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, chairman ; Charles M. Andrews, Clarence S. Brigham, Carl R. Fish, Herbert L. Osgood, Dunbar Rowland, and Robert T. Swan. Committee on Bibliography: Professor Ernest C. Richardson, Princeton University, chairman ; Appleton P. C. Griffin, William C. Lane, Victor H. Paltsits, James T. Shotwell, and Wilbur H. Siebert. Committee on Publications: Professor William A. Dunning, Columbia University, chairman ; Herman V. Ames, A. Howard Clark, Charles H. Haskins, J. Franklin Jameson, and Ernest C. Richardson. Committee on the Herbert Baxter Adams Price: Professor Charles Gross, Harvard University, chairman ; George L. Burr, Mctor Coffin, James W. Thompson, and John M. Vincent. (During the absence of Professor Gross in Europe after June i, 1907, Professor Burr will act as chairman.)
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