I. and II., reviewed by E. W. Dow, 354.
Lawrence, A. A., 547, 549, 554-557-
Lawrence, major, 304.
Laybach, congress of, 543.
Lea, H : C :, " History of the Inquisition of Spain ", Vols. 11., iii., reviewed by G: L. Burr, 359, 625.
Leathes, Stanley, (ed.) " Cambridge Modern History", Vols, i.x., iv., 135, 627.
Lee, W :, 540.
Leland, W. G., 341-
Le Roy, James A., (R) Pigafetta's " Magellan's Voyage ", 125 ; (R) Foreman's " Philippine Islands ", 388 ; (R) Blair and Robertson's " Philippine Islands ", Vols, xxviii., .xx.- XXXVIII., XXXIX.-XLVI., 143. 912.
Levant Company, 512.
Levermoke, C: H., (R) MacDonald's " Jeffersonian Democracy", 164; (R) McMaster's " History of the People of the United States ", Vol. VI., 899.
Levis-Mirepoix, duke de, 255.
Lewis. H. P., 488.
Lewis, Joseph, 68.
Lewis, Theodore H., (ed.), "Spanish Explorers in the Southern United States, 1528-1543", reviewed by G: P. VVinship, 926.
Lexington (Kentucky), early industries. 765.
Liberty Hall (newspaper, Cincinnati), 763, 769, 770, 773-
Lincoln, Abraham, 63, 64, 562, 569, 573, 574. 575-
" Lincoln ", by Alonzo Rothschild, reviewed, 166.
" Lincoln the Lawyer ", by F : Trevor Hill, reviewed, 673.
" Lincoln and Gettysburg ", by H : Sweetser Burrage, reviewed, 700.
Lincoln, C : H :, " Calendar of Naval Records of the Revolution ", reviewed, 930.
Lincoln, C : Z., " Constitutional History of New York ", reviewed by R. Foster. 392.
Lindsay, T: M., "History of the Reformation", reviewed by W. W. Rockwell, 874.
" Linesman ", see Grant.
Lionne, marquis de, 245.
Literature of the Soirtli African War, 1S99-1902, by a British Officer, 299-331-
Liverpool, lord, 310.
Livingston, E :, 792, 793.
Lloyd, J. C, 305.
Lodge, H : Cabot, " A Frontier Town", reviewed, 701.
Lollards, 11, 12.
" Lombard Communes, The ", by W : F. Butler, reviewed, 917.
Long, major, 54.
Loomis, Louise R., paper by, 486.
Lossberg, Otto V., 309.
Louis XIV., 245, 246 ; Bradby's " Great Days at Versailles ", reviewed, 883.
" Louis XIV.", by E. Lavisse, reviewed, 130. t
Lowery, Woodbury, " Spanish Settlements ", Vol. II.. reviewed by G. P. Winship, 423.
Lucas, C. P.. " The Canadian War of 1812 ", reviewed, 429.
Luchaire, Achille, " Innocent III.", reviewed by O. J. Thatcher, 120.
Luther, Martin, 733.
" Lutherum Disputationes contra ", by F. Pijper, reviewed, 363.
Luzio, Alexandro, " I Martiri di Belfiore e il loro Processo ", reviewed by H. N. Gay, 644 ; " Profili Biografici e Bozzetti Storici ", reviewed by H. N. Gay. 644.
Luzuriaga, 289.
Lyford, James O.. " Life of Edward H. Rollins ", reviewed by J. F. Colby, 906.
Lyons, Richard, 9.
Macaulay, T. B., lord, 222.
McCaleb. Walter P., The Organization of the Post-Office Defartment of the Confederacy. 66-74 ; (ed.)
Reagan's " Memoirs ", 679.
McClary, Gilman v. : a New Hampshire Case of 171)1. (doc). 348.
McCidloch V. Maryland dav case). 779, 781.
MacDonald, W:. (R) Dougherty's "Electoral System", 154; "Jack-