Page:American Historical Review vol. 6.djvu/340

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330 Dociinients and one Week 4. 17.6. M' Ned Green sent a written Invitation to us to Dine with Him to day in Company Mr Balch. Excus'd ourselves fm dining, spent afternoon there, and till 8 "Clock Evg. with M' Balch, Paynes Family, Storer Barrell &c slept and H at home. Thursday, 4'^ AVent (my H : and ch. ) to Watertown, after dining at home, slept and H. at home. Friday, ^"' /an". We din'd at home. Visited according to our Invita- tion p. m. By M' Payne and Lady, M' Barrell and his, M' Cushing and his, M' Ned Green and his, W Storer and Balch, M" Newell, M" Turell, who drank Coffee and spent fore part of the Evg. with us. M' Bowen call in and spent an Hour or two. At Candle light Nabby came home with M' Jack Wheelwright, after having been absent with Braintree Friends just 3. Weeks, soon after M'Blanchard and Lady arriv'd. M" Blanchard supp'd and slept with us. The Gentlemen went off before Supper. Saturday 6"' M' Blanchard and Wheelwright breakfasted with us. They went off 10 "Clock. After a week of very mild Weather very cold and windy from N. West. Nabby and Mp Blanchard went (my H : Ch. ) to visit Deacon Jeffries Family 2 Miles. M" Blanchard din'd with us. I went (my H : and ch.) p. m. to Watertown. Slept and Horse at home. M" Blanchard with us. Lord s day. jth. Jan". I went alone (my H : and ch) to Watertown. pch'd all day and administer' d Lord's Supper. M" Cooper, Nabby, and M" Blanchard din'd at home. Slept and Horse there. Monday. 8'". M" Cooper went (my H : and ch) to Roxbury. Nabby and M" Blanchard din'd at M" Cockran's. I rode M'Kory's Horse to Deacon Fisk's and din'd there. We all slept and Horse at home. Tuesday g'"- Tuesday I din'd at M' Payne's with M' Shrimpton JHutchinson, Deacon Storer, Barrell &c. M" Cooper, Nabby and M" Blanchard din'd at home. Slept and Horse there. M' Blanchard sup' t with us. JVednesday. M" Cooper and I at home all day. Nabby and M" Blanchard went (my H : and ch) to Watertown, and din'd at Squire Hunts. They return'd in Evg. Slept and Horse at home. Thursday 11'^ Jan". M' Blanchard breakfasted with us. He and M" Blanchard left us at 10 "Clock, carried Nabby (my H : and ch) to Wa- tertown ; she din'd at M' Hall's. I din'd with M" Cooper at home. We went (my H and ch) to Mrs Turell 's. drank Coffee there. M' Cook Jun' with us. Spent Evg. with us. Married this Evg. Lush . Katy Jackson. Fee, i Dollar Bill. Friday. 12. Went (my H : and ch) with M" Cooper to Deacon Jeffries. I pray'd with her sick. We all din'd at home. Went (my H and ch) With M" Cooper to Watertown. drank Coffee Deacon Fisk's. slept and H : at home. ^(7/. 7j. Went with M" C. (my H : and ch) to Watertown. We all din'd at home. M" C. went (my H. and ch) p. m. to M" Durants. I went afterwards in ditto to Watertown. We all drank Coffee and slept and H at home.