Page:American Historical Review vol. 6.djvu/913

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Index 903 Maximilian of Austria, 443. Mazaruni, the river, 54, 57, 62. Mazzini, Scritti SlcIH (Review), 838. McClure, A. K., Our Piesidents and How We Make Them (Review), 174. McCrady, Gen. Edward, 736. McDougall, Alexander, 498. McGee, Col., 48. McGee, G. R., ^ History of Tennessee for Use in Schools, by FREDERICK V. Moore (Review), 380. McGiffert, Arthur C., paper by, 417. McKiNLEY, Albert E., The Enjish and Dutch Towns of Neiu Netherland, I ; The Transition from Dutch to English Rule in N'ew York, 693. McKinley, President, 213. McL., A. C, The University of Wiscon- sin, edited by Reuben G. Thwaites (Review), 392. McLaughlin, Andrew C, 414, 427. McLaughlin and Old Oregon, by Eva E. Dye, by Francis F. Victor (Review), 148. McMaster, John Bach, A History of the People of the United States, Vol. V., by Charles H. Levermore (Review), 370. Medici, Cosimo dei, 641 ; Lorenzo dei, 641. Meeting of the American Historical Asso- ciation at Detroit and Ann Arbor, 413. Melun, 442. Melville, Lord, 508, 509. Memoirs of the Baroness Chile de Courtot, compiled by Moritz von Kaisenberg, by Charles D. Hazen (Review), 130. Mendelssohn, Moses, 244. Menou, Klcber et, en Jtgypte depuis le Depart de Bonaparte, edited by F. Rousseau, by Victor Coffin (Review), 7S6. Men Who Made the Nation, The, by Ed- win E. Sparks, by Marshall S. Brown (Review), 818. Merivale, Charles, 217. Meriwether, C, Vcrbeck of Japan, A Citizen of no Country, by William E. Griffis (Review), S29. Merriam, C. E., Essai sur le Systeme do Politique Etranglre de J. J. Rousseau, par J. L. Windenberger (Review), 385. Merrifield, William T., 41- Mespath (Newtown), 10. Metternich, Prince, 646. Mexico, Maximilian in, by Sara V. Steven- son (Review), 178. Mexico, treasure-fleet from, 672 ; the war with, 207, 230-234. Michel de I' Hospital, by C. T. Atkinson, by Henry M. Baird (Review), 127. Michelet, Jules, 431, 432. Michigan, the election of 1848 in, 209; Lake, 207, 211. Middelburg, 14. Midwout, 9, 14. Milford, Conn.,15. Military Reminiscences of the Civil War, by Gen. Jacob D. Cox, by H. V. BoYN- TON (Review), 602. Milledgeville, 470, 471, 473. Millen, Ga., 471. Miller, William, The Republic of San Marino, 633. Milman, H. H., 217. Ministerial Crisis in France, i8y6. A, with introduction by Theodore Stan- ton (Document), 765. Minuit, Peter, 2. Mirabeau, Gabriel Honore de Riquetti, Marquis de, 237-253. Mirabeau' s Secret Mission to Berlin, by R. M. Johnston, 235. Miranda, Francisco de, letters of, 51S, 525-527- Miranda and the British Admiralty (Doc- uments), 508. Missionary Herald, the, 296. Mississippi, public lands in, 28, 30. Mississippi, School History of, by F'ranklin L. ^Riley, by Frederick W. Moore (Review), 846. Mississippi Historical Society, Puldications of the, III. (Review), 847. Mississippi river, the, 21, 24, 211. Mississippi I'alley, The, in the Civil War, by John Fiske, by Basil W. Duke (Review), 599. Missouri, the Kansas question in, 38, 39, 43 ; public land question in, 20, 31, 34. Missouri Compromise, the, 31. Mitchell, Admiral Sir A., letter to, 518. Mitford, WiUiam, 217. Mobile, 43. Modern Europe, Historical Atlas of, Part XXVI. (Review), 164; Part XXVII. (Review), 3S3. Mohammed II., 255.