Page:American History Told by Contemporaries, v2.djvu/185

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No. 55]
A Governor's Commission

and Equity and for awarding of Execution thereupon with all reasonable & necessary Powers Authorities, Fees and Privileges belonging thereto As also to appoint and Commissionate fit Persons in the several parts of your Government to Administer the Oaths mentioned. . . .

And We do hereby give and grant unto you full Power and Authority where you shall see Cause or shall Judge any Offender or Offenders in Criminal Matters or for any Fines or Forfeitures due unto Us fit Objects of Our Mercy to pardon all such Offenders and to remit all such Offences Fines and Forfeitures, Treason and Willful Murder alone excepted in which Cases you shall likewise have Power upon extraordinary Occasions to grant Reprieves to the Offenders until and to the Intent Our Royal Pleasure may be known therein.

We do by these Presents Authorize and Impower you to Collate any Person or Persons to any Churches Chappels or other Ecclesiastical Benefices within Our said Province as any of them shall happen to be void.

And We do hereby give and grant unto you ... by your Self or by your Capts. & Commanders by you to be Authorized full Power and Authority to Levy Arm Muster Command and Employ all persons whatsoever residing within Our said Province of Nova Cæsaria or New Jersey under your Government and as Occasion shall serve to March from one Place to another or to embark them for the resisting and withstanding of all Enemies Pirates Rebels both at Sea and Land and to Transport such Forces to any of Our Plantations in America (if necessity shall require for the Defence of the same against the Invasion or Attempts of any of Our Enemies and such Enemies Pirates and Rebels, if there shall be Occasion to pursue & prosecute in or out of the Limits of Our said Province and Plantations or any of them and if it shall so please God them to vanquish apprehend and take and being taken either according to Law to put to Death or keep and preserve alive at your Discretion and to Execute Martial Law in time of Invasion or other times when by Law it may be Executed and to do and Execute all and every other thing and things which to Our Capt. General and Govr. in Chief doth or ought of Right to belong. . . .

Provided Nevertheless that all disorders and Misdeameanours committed on Shore by any Capt. Commander Lieut. Master Officer Seaman Soldier or other Person whatsoever belonging to any of Our Ships of War or other Vessels acting by immediate Commission or Warrant from Our said Commissrs for Executing the Office of Our High Admiral or