Page:American History Told by Contemporaries, v2.djvu/552

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Union and Independence

That the Committees of Observation, in every County, as soon as conveniently may be, appoint persons in each Parish, or Hundred, to offer or carry the said Association to all Freemen resident within their County, (the Household of His Excellency the Governor excepted) and require their subscription to the same, which Associations, when subscribed shall be returned by the Committees to the Convention. And in case any Freeman within their County, shall not subscribe upon application, or within ten days thereafter, his name shall be returned by the said Committee to the next Convention, to the end that the Convention may take order therein. . . .

Resolved, That the Honorable Matthew Tilghman Esqr and Thomas Johnson Junr Robert Goldsborough, William Paca, Samuel Chase, Thomas Stone and John Hall Esqrs or any three or more of them, be Deputies to represent this Province in Continental Congress, and that they or any three or more of them, have full and ample power to consent and agree to all measures, which such Congress shall deem necessary and effectual to obtain a redress of American grievances ; and further we do authorise our said Deputies to represent and act for this Province, in any Continental Congress which may be held before the 25th day of March next.

Ordered that the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Thomas Johnson Junr Samuel Chase, William Paca, John Hall and Thomas Stone Esquires, or either of them, the sum of five hundred pounds common money, and that the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore pay to the Honorable Matthew Tilghman and Robert Goldsborough Esquires, or either of them, the sum of two hundred pounds, common money, to defray the expenses of their Deputation, to the next Continental Congress. . . .

Resolved, That there be a Convention of Delegates of this Province at Annapolis on the third Tuesday of March next, or on such day before that time, as shall be appointed by the Council of Safety. . . .

Ordered, that John Hall, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, William Paca and Matthias Hammond Esqrs be a Committee to revise the proceedings of this Convention, and publish such of them as they may think proper, and convey a number securely made up to each County, as soon as may be.

So ends this Convention.


G. DuVall, Clk.

Journal of the Maryland Convention, July 26 — August 14, 1775, in Archives of Maryland (edited by William Hand Browne, Baltimore, 1892), XI, 3-35 passim.