Page:American History Told by Contemporaries, v2.djvu/672

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Mowry, W.A. and A.M., History of the United States for Schools, 33.
Munsell, Joel, Historical Series, 11; Annals of Albany, 211.
Museums, sources in, 5; Americana in British Museum, 10.
NATIONAL MUSEUM, collections, 5.
Navigation Acts, of 1696, 127-129; evasion of, 249; complaints, 415. — See also Lords Commissioners, Smuggling.
Navy, American, privateering, 497-499, 557, 558; condition of, 556-559; fight between Bon Homme Richard and Serapis, 587-590; need of, 596; control in West Indies, 612-615. — See also Revolution, War.
Navy, English, advantage over America, 608-609; loses control in West Indies, 612-615. — See also Revolution, War.
Neal, Daniel, History of New-England, 16, 55; An Historical Sketch of New England, 52-55.
Negroes, in American army, 488-490, 527-528. — See also Abolitionist, Slavery.
Nelson, William, Documents relating to the Colonial History of New Jersey, 13, 21, 302, 351.
Newark, riot in, 81.
New England, from 1692 to 1775, 35-64; condition in 1720, 52-55; loyalty of the people, 55; Cape Breton, 59; Adams's love for, 63-64; charter governments, 133-137; reason for growth, 135; loss of charters, 135-136; travel in 1704, 224-229; earthquake, 261-262; in Indian war, 344-346; in Stamp Act controversy, 397-402; in revenue controversy, 415-417, 420-423, 429-433; in the Revolution, 455-461, 534-537, 546-554. — See also Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vol. I.
New England Courant, Mather's denunciation of the, 262-263.
New-England Historical and Genealogical Register, 63, 243.
New Hampshire, value of records, 6; Records, 17, 21; condition in 1731, 55-58; salaries, 58; government, 143; constitution drawn up, 534-536; protest against the constitution, 536-537. — See also New England and Vol. I.
New-Hampshire Historical Society, Collections, 58.
New Jersey, Documents, 13, 21, 84, 161, 166, 179, 181, 254, 298, 302, 351, granted to the Duke of York, 69; regranted, 69; conflicting claims, 70-72, Concerning the Riots & Insurrections in New Jersey, 80-84; government, 143; governors, 154-161, 165-166; minutes of the Council, 175-179; state of religion, 276-279; beginning of college, 288; slave act disallowed, 297-298. — See also Middle Colonies and Vol. I
New Jersey Historical Society, Proceedings, 279.
Newport, State House at, 4; campaign at, 575-578. — See also Rhode Island.
Newspapers, as sources, 9; Franklin's venture, 229-235; Mather's denunciation, 262-263; advertisements, 298-302; A Spanish Privateer in the Delaware, 349-351. — See also Intellectual Life.
"New Style," chronological reckoning, 24.
New York, Documents, 13, 17, 21, 79, 131, 154, 162, 164, 170, 184, 247, 250, 253, 290, 334, 339, 356, 367, 387, 412; Palatine Germans, 77-79; city in 1760, 87; governors, 143, 153, 161, 162, 169; disallowance, 183; Zenger prosecution, 192-199; Albany government, 208-211; pirates, 244-247; smuggling, 249-250; fur trade, 320; Schenectady taken, 323, 337-339; Sir William Johnson, 331-334; Albany Congress, 357-360; Stamp Act Congress, 402; military prisoners, 508; John André, 515; abandoned by the Americans, 554; siege, 608-609.
New York City. — See New York.
New York Historical Society, Collections, 19.
New York Public Library, 10.
New York Weekly Journal, libels in, 193; advertisements in, 298.
Nicholson, Francis, popularity, 90-91, change in his attitude, 91; disliked, 92-94.
Niles, Hezekiah, Principles and Acts, 12, 21, 472; Weekly Register, 404.